I'm so frustrated...

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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2017
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Dallas/Ft. Worth
So I got me a new class-B (Travato 59K) last year.  I even went to the RTR with it - met a lot of really nice folks. 

Anyway I had planned to making an Alaska trip this summer.  I beefed up my solar and have tested to see if I can recharge up my batteries only on the panels.  I've done some construction work to make it more livable.  I've put in additional insulation.  I installed a spare tire hitch.  I got a 2018  Milepost. I even got a drone and gymbal so I could make better videos.

Only now I have to deal with cataract surgery!!!

The surgery on the second eye is June 21.  So if I'm very lucky and things go well, I'll still be able to get away in July.  Otherwise I'll be stuck at home.

Oh yes - and if that wasn't enough - I've had to start taking insulin. 

Getting old is a bitch...
I couldn't agree more, mpruet. I've had 4 major surgeries since, 2012. And there will be another in the not too distant future.

Keep your eye on the prize.
Knowing when you are healthy enough to hit the road is important - choose the right time and you'll heal quicker.

One important measure of my own health is how many steps I can walk in a day without 'post exercise malaise', how you feel the day after. I can gauge my overall fitness from that number, and how I feel.

Staying close to home as you get going would be wise, and if necessary delay the longer trip. There is lots of good country in Canada closer to the border that would be a good adventure.
DLTooley said:
Knowing when you are healthy enough to hit the road is important - choose the right time and you'll heal quicker.

Yea, but I'm generally more healthy when I'm on the road than when at home.  Even my blood sugar level drops big time when I'm on the road.  My best numbers in recent years was when I was in the Youkon...   ;-)

The problem is the eye surgery.  I could put it off, but we have a trip planned to Disney World for my granddaughter's birthday in November and I don't want to risk complications from the eye surgery later in the year.  We are planning on camping there, so I need to be able to drive. 

I'm due to renew my driver's license a year from this Sept. and I'm not sure I could currently pass the eye exam. So since things always seem
to pile up, I feel that I might as well get the cataract surgery out of the way. 

One good thing about it, however.  According to my instructions I'm not supposed to do any stressful yard work for a month after the surgery.  ;-)
I had one eye done a couple of years ago, the cataract itself was not that bad but the lens in that eye made me legally blind as far as drivers tests go, (other eye was just fine). So I had the lens replaced, (same surgery that you will have but for a different reason). Cataract surgery itself takes 5 minutes. You will wear an eye patch while you sleep for about 3 nights so you don't accidentally rub your eye. After less than a week you are good to go for just about anything. The operation is so routine now that they sometimes do both eyes at the same time. Very very small chance that anything will go wrong.
I know several people who had it done. Their only complaint is they wished they had done it sooner. On the insulin, just have to keep it cool. Some without refrigeration put it in a thermos with a plastic bag of ice from just about any restaurant.
I feel your pain on the insulin. Type II Diabetes here and have had some trouble recently with neuropathy. They put me back on insulin. :(
I had a diabetic friend who had his lenses replaced. The next morning when he woke up, he was in a panic because everything was blurry! Then he realized that he had done as he had for decades and put on his glasses as soon as he woke up. Took off the glasses and had perfect vision.
You just need to figure how to handle the thirty day check up.  Diabetes...uggh  :(
Be thankful that there is help available and that you can afford to have it done. Your health should be your main concern. Seems so many people for go health and dental care. When all is complete hope you enjoy your next trip.
Thanks all.

The good news is that my drone arrived yesterday afternoon. 

The bad news is that last night I spilled a glass of water.  In my hurry to clean it up I slipped on water on the floor.  I was bare foot so my feet when in one direction and I went in the other.  The floor was tile so I hit pretty hard.  I really hurt my foot - think that I may have stretched the tendons.  So now I can barely walk.  Also bruised my right knee and shoulder from where I hit.  Today I've really been hurting.  I was planning on laying some sod in the yard today...

Good news - Since I was hurting I didn't think that I could do the yard work.  So instead I've spent most of the day trying to figure out how to get the drone working.  

So I guess that it takes a bit of pain to get to the point that you can justify not doing what you really don't like to do and instead have some fun with a new toy....   ;-)
:D :D :D

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