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  1. R

    New Guy!

    Hey Jake, good to hear from another young whipper snapper out there! (I'm 22 myself)<div><br></div><div>This is a great place, with a lot of good people and sound advice.&nbsp;</div>
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    New log, New Website!

    Thanks for the feedback Robear! I will look into some of those things when I get a chance to settle down with some wifi (I am currently lugging the van through Utah).<div><br></div><div>I really am just starting to get my hands dirty with SEO and all that, so I will check out that app. And I...
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    Summer Rubber Tramp Rendezvous has a New Location

    Gah, hope all goes well in your future dealings with the insurance company. Fight the good fight!
  4. R

    Blacking-out windows

    In my experience cops will usually assume that if it is a van, the windows more than likely came that way. Your chances of getting pulled over for this specifically are low, but if you cause a ruckus or give the coppers a reason to start poking around...
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    My Golden Rule Of Green....

    I do make use of things until their very last possible use...but this is more out of thriftyness than pure altruism.&nbsp;
  6. R

    Neat trick for guys shavin' in the field...

    I love this thread. I am going to try all of these suggestions, as my shaving efficiency is struggling at the moment.
  7. R

    poll about what everyone has

    1992 Toyota Previa. And..well, thats it. I am jealous of all you guys and your multiple lines of gizmos <img src="/images/boards/smilies/frown.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
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    Wondering about Westfalia

    My humble opinion is that the Westfalia models see a price bump due to the VW name and its connection to the van lifestyle.&nbsp;<div><br></div><div>I scanned through some ads on "All of Craigs" (a great site btw), and it seems to get a Westfalia in worker order the price may average around...
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    Hi Everybody!!

    I wish I had your skills! I am eager to see what kind of rig you whip up. Pictures please!
  10. R

    Newby Future vandweller here HI

    Hi and welcome! I would encourage you to explore this option, because it will likely mean a big savings to you. Especially with the benefits provided by the government, you should be able to have a nice amount stocked up after a while.<div><br></div><div>Are you planning on staying in southern...
  11. R

    New log, New Website!

    Small update. Put a new green background header.&nbsp;<div><br></div><div>Have an about page in the main header menu (I thought I had this before, for some reason &nbsp;my about page was not showing up there). Also,downloaded a widget that allows a small "About This Site" blurb on the right hand...
  12. R

    New log, New Website!

    Thanks Stude!<div><br></div><div>Here is one google's highest ranked travel bloggers homepage. What do you guys think? I like the quick, short paragraph right in front of the readers eyes.. It also includes links to more grounded "guide" like pages. I have not created any content like that yet...
  13. R

    New log, New Website!

    Thank you so much for the responses guys, really means a lot that you are taking time out of your day to articulate your thoughts about how I can get better.&nbsp;<div><br></div><div>Bob, that was especially in depth and helpful! A more informative main page is now my next main objective. I...
  14. R

    I see vans everywhere now.

    Yeah, it is really surprising once you are out there and see it first hand! Just means new friends to make with similar lifestyles!
  15. R

    New log, New Website!

    Hey y'all, I have been absent for a little while. Mainly this was because I was camping with friends in areas that had poor cell reception. The best of these campspots was The Grand Canyon, which was breath taking.&nbsp;I am currently around Vegas, looking to head to the strip one of the...
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    Bike Camping for Bri

    This is great! I had considered doing something like this in the future, but with a bicycle.&nbsp;
  17. R

    VW double back camper van

    Whew, for that price you could get a low grade but still nice RV and live like a king for years!
  18. R

    Woke up to this

    So last night, as I was comfortably dozing in the parking lot of a 24 hour Walgreens, a big truck of some sort parked right behind me. Meaning the first thing I saw upon opening my eyes was..<div><br></div><div><br></div>
  19. R

    New guy, 21 and considering the mobile lifestyle

    Hey DG, 22 year old guy here. Been out on the road for a little bit, wanted to toss you some encouragement. Sounds like with your mindset, you should be more than alright jumping into it.&nbsp;<div><br></div><div>One thing, I did meet somebody last week grumbling about how it was impossible to...