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  1. Technomadia

    AT&T Mobley

    As noted in the fine print... the plan is still available, but only to 'eligible vehicles'. Which means vehicles with the integrated On Star system. After market diagnostic devices, like the Mobley, can no longer be activated.
  2. Technomadia

    Verizon MVNOs for $5 3G refugees

    We've heard numerous reports of the plan being difficult to setup - particularly if you already have a Verizon postpaid account. Hopefully they've smoothed it out by now. For a penny, you get Verizon's latest hotspot device - the 7730L (which does require a 2-year contract on this plan, on top...
  3. Technomadia

    AT&T Mobley

    ZTE is in fact having some issues, but it seems to have been cleared that they'll be able to continue operating in the US for now after paying some stiff fines. However, in regards to aftermarket Connected Car devices (like the Mobley) - AT&T actually changed their terms last September to no...
  4. Technomadia

    Net Buddy Legit

    In our observance of the NetBuddy plans - they are so far working for those who have them. There are many reports on YouTube as well. But as with any reseller, it's question of how legit the plans are behind the scenes. We've not seen any definitive evidence as to what the plan is (ie. iPad...
  5. Technomadia

    Tell me what I need!

    Yes, our original research was 3 years ago, but we've kept the page updated with status reports since, and kept in touch with key players in the industry. There's really not too much new that has happened with LFP anyway - except prices have gone down and capacity up. The cells we went with are...
  6. Technomadia

    Maybe an interesting new public lands app?

    Hey everyone - Yep, we lurk here on occasion, and are the creators of the app. The underlying map data came from the USGS National Atlas, so we can only offer up as much detail as the USGS provides. For National Forests in particular there are often areas of private land inside the boundaries...
  7. Technomadia

    big bus is what we think we want

    Greetings... and thanks for the mention, blars!<br><br>Yes, we are living/traveling in a 1961 GM 4106 conversion, and loving it.&nbsp;<br><br>Here's a link to info about our bus:&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow"...
  8. Technomadia

    Clear ISP

    Sorry Audoni - know nothing about them. We're entirely Mac obsessed here.&nbsp;
  9. Technomadia

    Clear ISP

    Thanks for the link Kevin - we depend on our connectivity <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br /><br />As far as ISPs, we keep on top of the major ones regularly (as we created an iPhone/iPad app that overlays all the maps called 'Coverage?'). &nbsp;For...
  10. Technomadia

    Great information regarding mobile internet options

    Hi all...<div><br></div><div>Thank you Blars and Cyndi for clarifying our situation a bit.&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>For internet only, every month we pay $110. For months that we need the satellite dish (when we're somewhere that other methods just don't work), we add on $80 - this is...