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  1. Kahkeetsee


    Thanks everyone! I was hoping for a diverse group, and this sounds promising! Countdown has started: 12 months. My daughter will be in college (the youngest out of the nest!) Still looking at vehicles and planning for the very real possibility of living in a Kia Rio to start.
  2. Kahkeetsee

    New here; still planning

    Welcome from Chicago. I'm a single mom in the planning stages while waiting for my daughter to go off to university next Fall. This is all new to me, and when I first thought about doing it, I thought, other than the "stereotypical RVers" that this idea was totally new. LOL. I soon learned...
  3. Kahkeetsee

    This is kinda cute

    Lots of great ideas as I plan my space, and thanks to bindi&us for the idea of having only one handle. I've always hated having all the mop, broom, etc taking up so much space. Anything to condense is great.
  4. Kahkeetsee


    Thanks for the welcome. I've been on this site as much as possible since joining, and have had some good advice from a member to get me started. Part of my adventure will be visiting family and friends, some that I haven't had a chance to see in several years, so while I eventually want to see...
  5. Kahkeetsee


    Thanks everyone, and I'm relieved to find that I wouldn't be the oddball of any group....
  6. Kahkeetsee


    As a middle-aged female planning to live out of a vehicle in 14 months, I'm wondering about other "vandwellers". It seems from reading the forums that most are men or couples; closer to retirement age? I realize not everyone knows for sure, but any input to that?
  7. Kahkeetsee

    Newbie has electrical question

    Thanks for your reply. That's what I was afraid of, after reading about some of the 12V a small expense, but better than a battery, or damage to the car somehow. Thanks.
  8. Kahkeetsee

    Newbie has electrical question

    I'm in the planning part of living in my small car, which I have done in the past by necessity and am now planning to do by choice. Because I want to be organized and as minimal as possible, I want to have as little as I can get by with. I have a cigarette lighter plug in with a USB and regular...
  9. Kahkeetsee


    Thanks for the welcome. I like the idea of a tribe, being part Cherokee and Osage :)
  10. Kahkeetsee


    Hello all. I'm in the planning stages of my vehicle dwelling future. Currently I have a small car (Kia Rio) that will be paid off next year when I am able to hit the road, but considering a cargo van for more room. No co-pilots or pets going with me, and I'm looking forward to calling the local...