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  1. corky52

    Microwave Oven

    Panasonic Inverter  series microwave does much better on MSW inverters than any other microwave due to it's use of wide voltage range switching  power supply rather than a transformer power supply.    Coffee cup test, one minute on shore power and one minute on MSW inverter power, Panasonic...
  2. corky52

    El Nino, Topo Maps, and A Couple of Friends

    HDR, My rig isn't metal, it's fiberglass, no shield at all! 66788, 1982 FORD, three pieces of electronics on 460 engine will need replacement, have spares for all of them in the cage!  Running again in about an hour! :D Corky
  3. corky52

    El Nino, Topo Maps, and A Couple of Friends

    HDR, I have quite a few, De Lorme is my favorite.  Best free one is the topo on for the Garmin and it's computer software, converted from USGS Digital Topo Map.  I kind of accumulate maps, just another of my bad habits. I keep a tablet and lots of maps in the built in Faraday...
  4. corky52

    El Nino, Topo Maps, and A Couple of Friends

    With the approach of El Nino a couple of things need to be mentioned, floods happen everywhere and nothing replaces AWARENESS! Cities can fool you, checking the topography you're in is even more necessary than usual. Having friends close by to make sure you're warned and who you can warned if...
  5. corky52

    Emergency Glasses I tried this and it works, not great but better than not being able to see and read. Corky
  6. corky52

    Cell Replaces Computer

    Skyl4rk, The bluetooth and chromecast options take way to much specialized/expensive equipment and even more fiddling to get them to even kind of work.  I've been looking for a cheap, solid, reliable setup for awhile now, and this hardware gives you that in a way that I feel comfortable posting...
  7. corky52

    Cell Replaces Computer

    Tool bar at the top, pull down Pick the gear looking icon pick "more networks" Corky
  8. corky52

    Cell Replaces Computer

    Theadyn, Think I saw S5's for less than $100 the other day, might want to check around.  I found I didn't like the S6 all that well. Corky
  9. corky52

    Cell Replaces Computer

    Jim, Have you tried to turn on the tethering, I was told that it was turned off on my Verizon as well, but it wasn't!!! Never trust the sales types!!!! Costs nothing to to try! Corky
  10. corky52

    Cell Replaces Computer

    Jim, By the way S5 will work as a phone and still provide a wifi hotspot at the same time.  I'm not sure about S4, it might also do the same.  You can share hotspot with up to five devices. Corky
  11. corky52

    Cell Replaces Computer

    Jim, I'm posting from my S5 right now, display is on big screen, using a wireless trackball and keyboard from Logitech.   You will also need a cable that goes from HDMI to either DVI-D or HDMI, that's not included. Corky
  12. corky52

    Cell Replaces Computer

    Jim, Yes, no, maybe!!!!!! MHL is a standard that lets you hook the video from cells that support it to HDMI or DVI-D.  Not all cellphones support MHL, so you have some checking to do. I'm hooked up to a 32" TV with multiple HDMI inputs, getting 1280x1080 res. Corky
  13. corky52

    Cell Replaces Computer

    I ordered this MHL to HDMI adapter and have been playing with it while it's to hot here to do much else, kind of mind blowing. I have my wireless keyboard and track ball, 32 in TV, charger and extra...
  14. corky52

    Folding Ceiling Mount Bracket for 17-37 inch LCD Screens (Max. 44 lbs) $19.95 I have my 32 inch flat screen hung from one of these brackets and for the last six months it has worked well.  I did add straps that I use when driving to keep the screen secured up and out of the way, even though I had no problems with the unit...
  15. corky52

    Taking the Train long distances?

    Has anybody looked into shipping your "home" via rail into an area you wish to explore and then driving from there? I can see fuel and time savings if your don't want to wander your way to an area.   Corky
  16. corky52

    Question on setting up camp close to water

    SW, Got a visit from the sheriff's patrol earlier this afternoon, they're taking this storm very seriously!  Think I'll make an early morning food and stuff run, just to be on the safe side.  I'm safe but the main road in and out here gets washed out easily.  Back country San Diego county isn't...
  17. corky52

    Food Bank

    I don't try to sort the people out, I just give what I can to those that seem to need it, karma will sort them in the end.  Seems to me that the energy wasted preventing scams and scammers could be used to help many more than you catch cheating. I guess I just figure there are far more good...
  18. corky52

    What do you "prep" for that you can't roll away from?

    WriterMs,  Actually I stole the idea from Dean Ing, you might look up some of his books, very good ideas and thoughts. I've been driven out by fire, kept at home by floods and landslides, have never had my property damaged, just lucky I guess. Friends come and go, but junk and enemies...
  19. corky52

    What do you "prep" for that you can't roll away from?

    WriterMS, My current setup grew from 30 years of living in the hills east of San Diego, after the first 15 minute evacuation, I got some off-site storage in a well fire defended area.  Not having all your eggs in one basket, dispersed stores just makes life easier.  The small 5x5 ft rooms are...
  20. corky52

    Alternative to parking lots

    Paranoia is letting fear rule your life.  I fear the things I should and mitigate them as best I can.  I fear rattle snakes and remove them to safer areas, but I neither kill them if possible, nor let them keep me from enjoying boondocking.   Corky