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  1. B

    People Think I'm Crazy!!!!!

    A maxim to live by. Thanks for that.
  2. B

    People Think I'm Crazy!!!!!

    Amen to that, Barry. I'm not just learning about van dwelling, I'm learning a lot about human nature!!!
  3. B

    People Think I'm Crazy!!!!!

    Ocean, that dude is NIOT your friend, I'm sorry but true friends don't behave that way. I'm prepared to write some people off. I really am sorry.
  4. B

    People Think I'm Crazy!!!!!

    I'm not even going to tell my Mom. I'm just going to show up! I could live in a yurt and shed just be happy I was close by. As I get closer and closer to making this happen, I become more confident I'll be able to shrug off the negativity. And I'm keeping my yap shut, as Gramps (that old...
  5. B

    People Think I'm Crazy!!!!!

    Stargazer, I only told people who would be impacted by my decision. Really, just a handful of people. I guess it was naive of me to assume the news would be met with unqualified acceptance. I'm a people pleaser, but that's changing as I get older. Hell, it's changed since I started this...
  6. B

    People Think I'm Crazy!!!!!

    Ocean, I think you're absolutely right. Adversity and change are two things that really separate your true friends from the "sheeple". In the time since I wrote the first post in this thread to right now, I've done an 180. As Joe put it, I'm taking "responsibility for my happiness". It makes...
  7. B

    People Think I'm Crazy!!!!!

    Thanks for your replies. I am coming to believe more and more that the responses I'm getting are more or less projections of the individuals I speak to. The one who ask me sensible questions are usually okay with my answers. Those who remain "concerned", well. I think I'm really going to have to...
  8. B

    People Think I'm Crazy!!!!!

    Thanks, Cyndi.
  9. B

    People Think I'm Crazy!!!!!

    Seriously, I'm going to have to be extremely selective about who I talk to be about my van dwelling plans. So far I've been told "You're on the slippery slope towards homelessness", "You're putting your future at risk"', "Think of the danger!", "What happens when you get tired of it?", "No one...
  10. B

    Thermometer with Remote

    Thanks, Vern!
  11. B

    Have you met Henri?

    I'm a bg fan of Henri!
  12. B

    Thermometer with Remote

    I adore this Forum. Every time I seek an answer I find it. I am, of course, mightily concerned about keeping my cats in my vehicle while I'm inside at work, but if I have the ability to check on the temp from a distance and make adjustments appropriate to the situation, why, that's just amazing...
  13. B

    Not so New Now...Just Confused...

    You folks are really wonderful to spend your time advising me. You've no idea how much I appreciate this. Mechanics - the vehicle I'm considering is 2 hours away. I have no local mechanic but I do have a few mechanically minded buddies I can think of who might make the trip with me. I still...
  14. B

    Not so New Now...Just Confused...

    There would be no street parking for this baby anywhere near where I live. But I knew that. I happen to live near several WalMarts but would have to check out their policies. Also, there are many, many industrial parks and factory like areas around. Lots a places for overngight parking. No...
  15. B

    Not so New Now...Just Confused...

    Thanks, Wade. Ive got family in Flouda and was planning to register the vehicle and get insured down there. Interesting that it would cost more... BB
  16. B

    Not so New Now...Just Confused...

    So, I've gotten some great feedback from folks about my starting out in the conversion of a step van for a full-time home. (Introduce Yourself - No Skilz Newbie). I've seen what amazing things can be accomplished from scratch and it's only heightened my excitement about leading this lifestyle...
  17. B

    No Skilz Newbie found something....

    Bob, that build out is AMAZING! I am thrilled to see you were able to incorporate a "head". The amount of work you have done is astounding. While the build is far beyond my capabilities, it offfers me an excellent blueprint to work off of with folks who do have the skills. I constantly amazed...
  18. B

    No Skilz Newbie found something....

    Okay, cashed in that 401k that had been sitting around for years. Took a hit on the penalty and will get taxed next year but now I know what I have to work with. It ain't much, but it should get me a pretty decent vehicle. Nw to find a place to park and work on it. I'm excited! Woot! MM
  19. B

    No Skilz Newbie found something....

    Thanks for the welcome, Blkjak! I read your thread on your van conversion, warehouse build, motorcycle purchases and change to the cargo trailer with enormous interest. You seem to be a fellow with enormous skills, ingenuity and imagination. I'm sorry to read you're feeling poorly. I don't...
  20. B

    No Skilz Newbie found something....

    Wow! I plan to live vicariously through your adventures! Congratulations!