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  1. D

    Ignoring a knock

    I agree with Van-Tramp. If your in a legal parking spot, not trespassing, and the cop doesn't know your in there, he most likely will leave. One time during mid day in Santa Monica, I witnessed a cop knocking on a RV door that parked on the street. You could hear a dog barking inside, but nobody...
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    City ordinances--what's their motive?

    In my opinion, the few bad apples (dump their trash in the street, leave excrements and other gross stuff for others to clean up) have ruined it for everyone. Many people think of people as vagrants that live in their car, and don't want them in their area. Some would say that city ordinance is...
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    pulled the trigger, now I am living in my van full time

    I'm not sure where in San Diego your going, but when I was in that area I found that Pacific Beach, and Ocean Beach was perfect for the vandwelling lifestyle. My personal favorite was Ocean Beach, park for free during the day in the beach parking lot, and at night move to street parking.
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    Stealth in the SF Bay Area ( east and north).

    Well it sounds like the car your driving basically has a sign posted that says (I'm living in my car). Which is not a good thing, considering most cities frown upon that kind of lifestyle. I was in the same boat as you about 6 yrs ago, I was trying to live in a old car, and it seemed like...
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    Police Searches

    If I'm in a new town and planning on being there awhile, I'll sign up for police ride-alongs. Not only do you get to have a action packed day, but the police get to know you. Of course, if you despise the police, or are a wanted fugitive, disregard.
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    Link To My Blog About Carliving

    Only difference is many people in this forum aren't going through 'bump in the roads', but choose to vandwell for sport. Cheating the system, if you will.
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    Walmart 's - Casino's - How Does "free" Overnight Parking Really Work?

    I always have good luck in the Ocean Beach district of San Diego. There is so much street parking by apartment dwellers that nobody knows whose who. Of course you don't want to stay in one spot too long, and don't make it obvious that someone's inside. Right now I'm in Pismo Beach, Ca where...
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    Wanna caravan to Mexico?

    Vandwelling in a 3rd world country where the police are more corrupt than the criminals? Sounds reasonable to me, where can I sign up?
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    People Think I'm Crazy!!!!!

    2 pieces of advice......if your going to be that sensitive of what others think; A) This is the wrong lifestyle for you and you might be better off renting a room from a little old lady, or; B) Don't tell anyone. Do you really expect family and friends to hug you and say good choice in...
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    My Van Has a Mind of it's Own! - Help!!

    Sounds like the same problems I was having with my car a few years back. It would run good, but then after running for a while it would stall whenever I would apply the brakes at a stop sign or stop light. I would then wait 5-10 minutes and it would run like nothing ever happened. It turned out...
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    My current situation

    Oddly enough in your other thread asking for opinions about the van and if you should buy it, many told you to walk away and then you got offended and accused them of being judgemental.
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    Where You Be?

    Our plan, starting sometime in April, is to meander along Route 66, hopefully doing the entire route from L.A. to Chicago. Most of the road isn't really there any more but it's still a fun trip. I've been planning on doing a route 66 tour from Chicago to Los Angeles too. You'd be surprised how...
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    got time too give me your opinion?

    Train hopping? Really?