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    Florida Gathering

    Don't you send anything, I want to get my hug as you hand it to me. Any color is fine, I'll just use what ever color you use the least of. Hurry on down now Ya hear. Tell you about Jack when you get here.<BR><BR>D.Hair
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    Florida Gathering

    Katie, If you still have some of that thick felt will you bring me about a 6 inch square. I have no idea where to find the thick stuff.<BR><BR>D.Hair
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    Florida Gathering

    Signman,<BR><BR>This may wind up as a double post, but thats OK. I don't know what happened to the last one. As I was saying the best answer I can give you to did the people like the trade tarp idea is I don't know this will be our first time to try it. I know we have had people trade and give...
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    Florida Gathering

    Signman,<BR><BR>In that area I'm sure if Robert isn't busy he would want to come. Do you have a time yet or is it still too early. Whenever, do make sure you post the event on the vandwellers GTG group also. If you are ever up in Northwest GA, Dalton just off I-75, look me up. we can at least...
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    Florida Gathering

    What area of FL are you thinking about having a GTG in. South, Central, North, or West.<BR><BR>David Hair
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    Florida Gathering

    Here is the link to the Vandwellers_GTG yahoo group and everyone is welcome to join.<BR><BR><A href="" rel=nofollow target=_blank></A><BR><BR>David Hair<BR>AKA Cuzzin Dave
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    Florida Gathering

    Evening Katie, Haven't been doing much in the vandwelling line lately. Had to go back in the hospital a couple months back for a couple more stients. How have you and mutt been getting along.<BR><BR>Now about the FL GTG they had this spring. Robert Clark had a gtg on private property up around...
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    Kentucky RTR (Gathering) 17-19 Aug 2012

    I look to be there late the 17th. looking forward to meeting.<br /><br />David Hair
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    Vandwellers Get ToGether (GTG) group calendar

    Katie,<br /><br />The Kentucky RTR is getting close. Do you have a final date. I'm seeing Aug 17 - 19, if this is correct let me know so I can get it on the calendar.<br /><br />David Hair
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    David Hair Sr in Dalton GA

    Thank you all for the welcome. I'm looking forward to getting to know some of the other members I haven't met before.<br><br>D.H.<br>
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    propane tank locations

    I also carry my 20# tank inside the van. The one thing I do is put a regulator right on the tank then any hose I have inside the van only has 10 lbs pressure instead of full tank pressure. I carry my tank in the passanger floorboard as I no longer have a seat in that position. there is now a...
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    David Hair Sr in Dalton GA

    Evening Les,<br><br>Well I've been cleaning the yard and working on other projects around the house. I'm hoping to see old Cuzzin Dick drop by in the next few weeks. I'm also looking for Brenda C. to come by the end of this month. How you been doing and what are you up to lately<br><br>David...
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    David Hair Sr in Dalton GA

    Ed,<br><br>&nbsp;Any time you are back in the area look me up. Phone is 706-280-5755.<br><br>David Hair<br>
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    David Hair Sr in Dalton GA

    I've been vehicle dwelling 1984 and van dwelling since 2001. I've traveled 44 states while working for an insurance inspection company. Good work until the economy turned downward. Now I'm back at home in Dalton Georgia trying to help those that are vandwelling work on their rides. If the good...