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  1. R

    We need to start a movement to legalize the nomadic lifestyle

    Let's face it, the only place a nomad can legally park overnight is the very few businesses that give permission and the ever shrinking public land, which is not evenly distributed throughout the country. Nomadics need to take into account society's concerns regarding nomadism providing a...
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    Is there a way to pay someone bondable to transport a Runaway trailer Florida to CA ?

    I'm thinking about buying a Runaway trailer. First saw it when Bob did a youtube review at their Florida factory. Can't beat the price and I don't mind the "unfinished" nature of it. Lots of opportunity to DIY. But the cost is over $800 on the west coast. I'd sure like to find some way to pay...
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    Seems like every time someone posts on Vandwelling vs Boondocking, HDM closes thread

    Seems like every time someone posts on Vandwelling vs Boondocking, HDS the mod closes the thread. This seems to be the third rail of these forums. Being the major point of division among these forums' readers it deserves some civil discussion that need not be divisive. I know TPTB are concerned...
  4. R

    War on the Homeless spilling over to vehicle dwellers and boondockers

    I don't know about other parts of the country. But the two major AM radio talk stations here in LA are conducting a campaign of hate against anyone without a permanent residential address. John and Ken on KFI (640 AM) and Dr. Drew on KABC (790 AM) just turning their shows into nothing but hating...
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    Bob's Jobs at California Land Management

    Seems like most (all?) of the jobs at that web site for Cal Land Mgt either require a "couple" or "local resident". I don't have a problem with this, but Bob might have made mention of it in his video. Maybe this management company has changed their requirements since Bob worked for them. As...
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    Arizona has lots of land to boondock on - but water and shopping are often far away

    Research Says Arizona Camping Is Not Easy RV Living Full Time / Van Life Nomad by Little House On The Road Published on Apr 25, 2019
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    The job of camp host should not be only about a place to park your RV for free

    Several times I've been in a campground and was kept awake by noise after quiet time, campers dragging large mesquite wood from areas surrounding a campground to burn, which is illegal just about everywhere, and other infractions of campground rules. I go knock on the host's door and am...
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    "Why Wyoming’s public lands are locked up" in High Country News

    "Why Wyoming’s public lands are locked up" in High Country News “It’s a simple decision (made) by the county commissioners,”
  9. R

    Stealth Parking "authority" Who Spoke at RTR

    That stand-up guy who related his stealth parking experiences and tips at RTR 2019 was a hoot. But he went to extremes most of us couldn't use. For starters, he's a young, fig guy who could easily pass for a construction worker. So seeing him driving, entering, leafing what looks like a...
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    Runaway teardrop trailers now has dealers in CA, TN, OK, PA Still not as cheap as they are in Florida. But less than their transport charge used to be. Runaway Trailers segment by Bob at their Florida factory:
  11. R

    Try a campground with amenities for a break from boondocking

    Even if you mostly camp dry on federal land for free, drop into a campground with amenities like shower, flush toilet, electricity occasionally to get a break from the boonie grind. I find access to electricity expecially allows me to do some projects that solar power can't handle and being...
  12. R

    Boondocking on desert. Does it damage the land ?

    I heard Bob say at the RTR that we need not be concerned with (especially heavy) vehicles carving ruts and scraping surface rock from the areas boondocked on, like at RTR 2019. But if we look at things like the Naza Lines, in south America. They date from 200 and 600 BC, and probably look the...