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  1. fluffabear

    Show Us Your Pet

    Miss Moose has grown up! She's almost out of her wiggly puppy phase and has a disturbingly large vocabulary
  2. fluffabear

    Trailer get!

    There are a few places. I'm looking at one in Clarkston, which is $250 a month. That's not bad, IMO, but I would rather rent from my family, who are being rather flaky at the moment.
  3. fluffabear

    Trailer get!

    Buying an 18' 78 camp trailer for peanuts. Its in good condition, it'll be a roomier change from the usual van (first a big old Dodge whale and then a minivan), and I'm totally looking forward to it. Now if I can find a spot to park in in Lewiston/Clarkston I'd be golden.
  4. fluffabear

    Happy Yule

    I also celebrate Yule. Merry happy to each of you!
  5. fluffabear


    I wasn't implying that neutering the dog was a bad idea, it's the responsible thing to do. I was only trying to say that many people will have their pets 'fixed' in hopes that some unwanted behavior will stop. I agree that hormones have a lot to do with aggression, however I have seen a large...
  6. fluffabear


    Neutering or spaying your animals has very little actual effect on their behavior. I agree that it does take time and patience. One method is to socialize your pup on neutral territory starting with short increments and then for increasingly longer periods of time. If he isn't in territory he...
  7. fluffabear

    Thrift Shop Scores

    I just picked up a Shimano mountain bike in pretty great condition (needs a tune up and some new tubes) for $18.
  8. fluffabear

    Inexpensive glasses

    Just wanted to chip in again: I made an appt. with America's Best, they offer free eye exams if you get 2 pair of glasses at $70 for both. Will report back when I see them.
  9. fluffabear

    memory foam?

    The foam I used (first time) came from Jo-Ann fabrics and (second time) some upholstery shop in CA. I wasn't tickled with either.
  10. fluffabear

    memory foam?

    Upholstery foam over here that is sold non-commercially isn't high quality in my experience.
  11. fluffabear

    memory foam?

    Thanks everyone, really helpful! I have back/neck problems. I tried upholstery foam and it just didn't do it for me; I'm 5'3" and 165lbs and I sank right to the plywood. I was browsing Amazon today and saw some decently priced 8" twin mattresses, but I would rather be able to test one before...
  12. fluffabear

    Hey everybody

    Welcome! Hope you're enjoying yourself out there.
  13. fluffabear

    memory foam?

    Those of you with memory foam sleeping surfaces, I have a couple of q's: Where'd you get it? Is it a custom size? If so did you get it that way or trim it yourself? What size are you using? How do you like it? Thanks!
  14. fluffabear

    Inexpensive glasses

    I think I might go get an eye exam and give Zenni a try. I need glasses and my current ones are so old and scratched that I can't see through them, so I've gone without wearing them. (Why yes, I do sit 3" from my screen!)
  15. fluffabear

    Health care

    This is a great thread. Thanks for the info.
  16. fluffabear

    perfect little flirt

    Bindi, I love Betty White. You made my day.
  17. fluffabear

    Merino wool long johns with a flap in back

    I have a wool union suit and I love it. I highly recommend shopping around for one, I get mine at the surplus store, but didn't know target carried them.
  18. fluffabear

    Knitting and Knitting Instructor

    Made my day, haha.
  19. fluffabear

    Knitting and Knitting Instructor

    I'm also a knitter, but I'm not great. Apparently I knit backwards.
  20. fluffabear

    Buy Nothing Day

    I have a long-standing tradition of buy nothing on black friday out of protest for the way people treat each other not 24 hours after a day of thanks.