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  1. K

    Favorite ways to remake Leftovers

    Fried rice with minced leftovers. Take some cold leftover rice (room temp OK) and mix with one beaten egg, soy sauce to taste, and finely minced leftovers. Stir-fry until the egg gets solid & coats the rice. It will be moist, but not runny concoction. Excellent for breakfast! It also works...
  2. K

    Keeping Warm

    Ive slept in -30 degree weather in back of an unheated van in a double sleeping bag and a sweat suit (sipper hoodie on top)over long johns. I wore doubled up socks (cotton under wool), wool gloves, and a wool watch cap under the raised hood of the hoodie. The only thing that got cold was my...
  3. K

    Shower & empty tanks for $5.00

    Wis has an hourly fee for the same stuff! Pretty handy.
  4. K

    illusion retirement budget

    i never expected social security to even be around, so i planned accordingly. living below one's means habitually makes it easier to adjust. when my spouse got sick and could not work anymore his SS was a joke. we downsized even more preparing for my retirement. No children (never could...
  5. K


    it depends on the blanket. if it is polyester, you can use it to wrap a boiling pot and thermal cook. Just wrap the whole pot 3 to 4 inches thick all round and let-er-rip. Put one or two inside 2 sheets of the same size, sew the edges shut, and make a tufted quilt (make your ties about 8...
  6. K

    roof top a/c

    I too use a window unit that I was using in my house. It cools the RV fine, just have to carry a shelf to set it on so it can stick out the window. Cheaper to run that the RV conditioner.
  7. K

    How do you cook a roast chicken or pizza on a stove top please?

    You can make a stove-top oven. From the Peace Corps Cookbook (2004) If you don’t have an oven that does not mean you can bake. With these directions you can make a little stove top oven. Sometimes they are called a Marmite oven. There are many different options, so find the one that...
  8. K

    Thermal cooking recipes

    Several sources I have listed cooking times for various foods using the wrap cooking or haybox technique. Here they are: FOOD BOIL TIME WRAP TIME Beef, cut in stew chunks 13 - 15 min 3 - 4 hours Bread, steamed 30 min 3 hours Chicken, cut in 8 pieces 6 to 8 min 2 - 3...
  9. K

    Thermal cooking recipes

    i like the pot cosy idea, the wrap method cooks too large an amount for just 1-2 svgs due to the necessity to hold the heat in for a long time. i'll try the cosies (I already have that silver insulation sitting doing nothing from an earlier project) and see how that works for smaller pots...
  10. K

    Selling stuff that belonged to my Grandparents

    my husband told me before he died that it was OK to sell his stuff, and that even if i did not get a lot for it (streetcar memorabilia) it was OK because the purchaser would value it more than a museum, to whom it would just be another exhibit. I am grateful to him for that outlook. I am now...
  11. K

    Thermal cooking recipes

    i have used a wrap cooker, works similar to the thermos but you wrap the pot instead of putting the food in a thermos. Just make sure there is 3 inches of insulation all around the tight-lidded pot. I did dry soybeans, they turned out well but needed two boil-cook cycles; lentils and rice were...
  12. K

    Anyone try Pigeon, Crow or any other critter....

    You can get on a Highway Patrol list to pick up fresh deer. __________________ i used to work state the enconomy got tougher we actually had people actually fighting over those deer, while in earlier years i had to beg people to take 10-point bucks! But frugal folks never turn it...
  13. K

    Anyone dumpster-dive before?

    yes. i used to dumpster dive behind the local book seller. twice a month he would tear off the covers of paperback books and throw them away by the box-load. had quite a library! identity thieves make good work of dumpster diving in college dorm areas when school lets out - many students...
  14. K

    Anyone try Pigeon, Crow or any other critter....

    ive had squirrel, tastes like chicken. young rabbit also. older rabbit is a little tough, it is stewed like an old hen. just e mailed my sister in fla about python steaks, she says they taste like chicken, too. She also says too many pythons being freed down her way, messing up the eco...
  15. K

    Lentis or split peas...

    lentlils & rice are a favorite of mine, with or without hamburger. Cook the lentils, add to some tomato sauce and pour over or mix into rice. Sauteed onions on top. Living large!
  16. K

    Dishes Best Served Cold

    cold pizza - the breakfast of champions, especially if they are in college! i vote for cold spaghetti leftovers!
  17. K

    Long Lasting Meats

    some dried sausages will last a long time (pepperoni is one). Some summer sausages will last 6 months or more (check expiration dates) without refrigeration as long as you dont cut them open, then you either have to refrigerate or eat the whole thing, so get small ones. i can meat, so my pint...
  18. K

    Does anyone else like kohlrabis?

    we love kohlrabis - cooked, creamed, shredded into slaw, pickled and fresh! Yum! Peasant food!
  19. K

    New Breakfast Ideas??

    CORNMEAL MUSH/POLENTA (6 svgs) 9 cups water 3 cups cornmeal 1 tsp salt 1 TB oil or melted fat Stir cornmeal into cold water. When completely mixed, no lumps, heat water gradually to a boil. Add salt. Stir continuously for 12-15 min so it does not scorch. The mixture will thicken...
  20. K

    Favorite Meal under $2.00

    spanish rice - 3 cups cooked rice + 1 can of walmart's hot dog chili sauce. Spiced just right, and if you use minute rice you can cook it over a candle in a pinch. cream soup - 3/4 c water, 1 bouillon cube (or 1 tsp), whatever leftovers you can scrounge chopped fine, 3 TB nonfat instant dry...