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  1. C

    Durango Colorado up in arms against boondockers

    Every one of them made a personal choice to do what they did, by somehow everything is everyone else's fault.
  2. C

    any other RTR's?

    It shouldn't be hard for someone back east to come up with a snappy name. How about Fulltimers Rendevous East (FRE) or Camp Up East (CUE)? Anything to indicate that is is different. It would have to be smaller because of space requirements, but not that many fulltimers are back east.
  3. C

    Public Land Fees Being Raised?

    Gotta happen. Last several times I have camped at National Parks or at hunting camps, there were beer cans and trash everywhere. Pack It In-Pack It Out signs clearly posted. But I guess, despite decades of free public education, a lot of people still can't read. Some people went as far as to bag...
  4. C

    Security guard asked me for ID & ran me for warrants

    Well, that sounded snotty. What I meant was that this guy runs around Vancouver in a bright purple van that he obviously lives in, makes no secret of it, has done so for years, is completely unstealthy, and seems to never get hassled.
  5. C

    Security guard asked me for ID & ran me for warrants

    How come so many people here have nothing but trouble while Justincredible has virtually none?
  6. C

    Long Term Camping Portland/Vancouver WA?

    Just keep moving around and keep your van looking nice and stay out of residential areas. Do you have any idea how creepy it is to have mystery folk in ratty looking vehicles parked in front of your house morning after morning when you leave for work or the kids leave for school? A homeowner...
  7. C

    State Police stopped me for driving too SLOW!

    Stopped for NOT speeding. Sorry, but that's funny.