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  1. dragonflyinthesky

    Death of a dear friend and member

    This is a very sad post for me. Lori Hicks passed away in Flagstaff hospital a few evenings ago. She is survived by her 16 year old son Russell and dogs Kalee and River. I don't know where the dogs are. I assume Russell is with children's services until his aunt can get custody papers. I feel...
  2. dragonflyinthesky

    2017 Ehrenberg news and resources

    Trying to get the gatherings and resources in one place.  If you have a gathering, consider placing it here.  If you have something to offer or needs it should be easy to remember key words, 2017 Ehrenberg to find this thread again.. If you place a resource for a local tire shop, vet etc. Try to...
  3. dragonflyinthesky

    Need rtr help, battery caught fire

    One of the newbys I'm helping out just had her battery catch on fire. Sparks and fire and smoke. The inverter looks destroyed, she needs another, 400 watts, cheap or she can pay at the end of the month. We don't know if the battery still works.  As she said, it's amazing how fast a 70 year old...
  4. dragonflyinthesky

    Only in your state info

    Mods please put this in The right place Pretty cool website and easy to use if you are wondering what to do in a state you are wandering in.
  5. dragonflyinthesky

    Ehrenberg Thanksgiving gathering

    I'm hosting a simple Thanksgiving dinner along with Wayne and Lori. This will be nothing like we have enjoyed in the past but all are welcome. 3pm Thanksgiving. I have a small spiral ham, mashed potatoes, could probably use more, candied yams and some cooked veggies. I sat my bread dough...
  6. dragonflyinthesky

    Tribe on 185, Flagstaff news and problems

    This belongs in matters of the heart but I couldn't get it there.  There are only a few of us left her, Wayne, Lori and I. Steve who was a crvl member said its okay for me to give news of his health. For those who don't know him, his dog is Zeke, he drives a big four by four van. Steve is very...
  7. dragonflyinthesky

    Summer Rtr 2016 service and tradesmen needs and offers

    This thread is to get those with needs, mainly mechanical, electrical, solar, etc.with those who can help.  Please be specific as to what you need or can do. Please do not take advantage, most people need and deserve to be paid for their time and expertise.
  8. dragonflyinthesky

    Ehrenberg Christmas Eve time change 2 pm

    I was afraid some of you who already read about the party may have missed the time change from 4:30 to2 pm. Thursday Dec 24th. This may be considered spiritual but it is not a religious event.  Bring a covered dish chips or what have you. If you cant get it together to bring anything please...
  9. dragonflyinthesky

    RE: Ehrenberg 2015 Christmas Eve Gathering

    I suspect I may be a little down being away from my family so I'm doing something about it. Im hosting a gathering at my camper, which is in the Ehrenburg area that Bob is camped in. This is for Dec 24th at 4:30. Bring your own beverage, adult or otherwise and plate. This is a carry in. If you...
  10. dragonflyinthesky

    GIRLS ROOM: Guns and CCW

    I hate to say quit worrying about packing. Since starting this lifestyle and before and even now, many friends relatives and even strangers tell me to carry. There is a lot of fear in America. Not saying to not be careful but you may start seeing the people so afraid for your safety have never...
  11. dragonflyinthesky

    Research to support traveling This is pretty good but I'm preaching to the believers here. I'm heading out soon myself. Camper and car ready to roll. Just...
  12. dragonflyinthesky

    Bragging about my dog

    Ivy passed her Canine Good Citizenship test last night. My Florida connection here probably don't recognize her. Remember how she was always biting, chewing and jumping on everyone? I was just thinking about when she kept jumping up in Gunner's face and biting him, he didn't know what to do so...
  13. dragonflyinthesky

    How important are your things?

    This is an excerpt from my newest blog post titled "How important are your things when you die?" You may need to go to the blog in order to open the video. I wrote this humorous post to give encouragement to others that are considering this wonderful journey.  blog link   How important are...
  14. dragonflyinthesky

    Don't pay the ransom!

    I'm perfectly fine in my travels, still in Florida for another week then back to Ohio to close down my life as I know it there.  My pc works poorly and I'm am not a patent woman so I don't bother getting online much. First off, I met up with Mr LooReed's band of vagabonds at his Florida...
  15. dragonflyinthesky

    Verizon vs Sprint in NM & AZ

    This is a link for Sprint. It looks like its good, any experience anyone? I have had Verizon forever and can barely afford it. I intend to be in AZ and NM in the boonies. If I recall, several here have said Verizon is about the only thing that gets reception, correct...
  16. dragonflyinthesky

    I'm thinking of buying this RV

    What do you think?
  17. dragonflyinthesky

    Panic attack

    I'm ready to go, can land contract my house. Sis is living in my other house. Even if I don't like the life of living free and want a sticks and bricks, I still don't want to be here, I have other places I can be. This can happen fast, by Jan 1st or sooner. Tow vehicle and camper are road...
  18. dragonflyinthesky

    Tiny House On Wheels

    I wish I new then what I know now. This is a story about a young free couple that has it right. The video is good. Great use of crates and boxes for their stair steps and I had...
  19. dragonflyinthesky

    Making Money On The Road

    All I can say is WOW! But its me so I will keep writing. I have been trying to come up with something that will pay my way, be light weight and possible to do and of course will sell online. This morning I put a picture of some pendants I finished on facebook. I'm not kidding, within 10 minutes...