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  1. J

    Ehrenburg Rangers to enforce 14 day camping limit

    They admitted to being high on the video and I said videos like Bob's.. doesn't matter, don't care, you delete my contribution to the board which was no worse than anyone else's, I delete my substantial contributions to Bob... enough said...
  2. J

    Ehrenburg Rangers to enforce 14 day camping limit

    Yup Rick and you don't see the one they deleted prior to that...... thanks though...
  3. J


    Most of the Youtubers using drones don't care about these or other laws and don't hide that fact, I doubt they'll care. (Nomadic Fanatic clearly flew his drone at protected birds last year in violation, and he flew it at an airport and above a Walmart). They'll ruin it for all drone users like a...
  4. J

    considering this TT what do you think

    "some"????? How they can call that excellent condition with the massive water leak shown is shocking...good eye Tav... that's terrible.