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  1. Connelly

    Unlimited AT&T $20 a month

    I spoke with AT&T. I'm missing something here. He tells me that it is actually $65 per month to have this device, and that it is a separate plan - So, I'd have my unlimited phone plan ($200) PLUS $65 for this device? What? No. Can you explain this? I'm old and missing something huge here
  2. Connelly

    Estimate of Number of RTR Guests 12/05?

    I left a few five gallon jugs behind. But they really take up a LOT of room anyway. I think the shower tickets are a good idea. Thanks
  3. Connelly


    When I crossed on HWY 1 from Oregon, they simply asked if I had firewood. I said "yes". They said "Is it commercial, or stuff you cut yourself". I said "commercial". They said "have a nice day" and waved me through.
  4. Connelly

    Estimate of Number of RTR Guests 12/05?

    Hey guys and gals. For those of you already in Arizona awaiting the RTR... Did you forget anything important? I mean, something that you're kicking yourself for leaving behind? I forgot extra water bottles!
  5. Connelly

    Newbie Full Timer

    Thank you. I'm going through the "Tips and Tricks" and finding my way around the forum. Pleasant group :)
  6. Connelly

    Newbie Full Timer

    Hello gang. I'm new to the forum and pretty new to the RV life in general. Bob's videos got me hooked on the idea of full timing, so the wife and I went out and bought a used travel trailer. Boy, did I find some rot, and have my work cut out for me for the next couple of months! I'm a carpenter...