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  1. H

    Extended warranty

    Thank you so much everyone! I was to the point of nail biting freaking out about it yesterday! We are off to the rv show here today, window shopping no buying yet, and I have so much more confidence about the whole process now. I have way more faith in you guys then any salesman I’ve ever met...
  2. H

    Extended warranty

    We are months away from selling our house and getting into an RV and I’m a little anxious about the whole buying process. Mostly all the paperwork! Recently some friends bought an RV from the same place we are planning on going to and they have been telling me since that no matter what, we need...
  3. H

    Full time living for family of 5 in Washington.

    90% of the houses where we plan to boondock are wood burning and we’re planning on (fingers crossed) actually owning the land so no worries there! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. H

    Full time living for family of 5 in Washington.

    I did research this before when we were just getting started. My husband and I both grew up with wood stoves and love the heat that gets down to your bones. I’m afraid that if I did modify it though it would make it harder to sell if/when we do decide to. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. H

    Full time living for family of 5 in Washington.

    I’ve heard that the floor of the back room isn’t insulated. Then again that might not be much of an issue if we had a skirt. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. H

    Full time living for family of 5 in Washington.

    Definitely another good argument for my side! We will be traveling a bit during the winter and haven’t really considered how hard that would be towing wise! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. H

    Full time living for family of 5 in Washington.

    Definitely another good argument for my side! We will be traveling a bit during the winter and haven’t really considered how hard that would be towing wise! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. H

    Full time living for family of 5 in Washington.

    We were seriously considering a toy hauler because the storage space but keeping it warm when it gets below freezing seems to outweigh the storage. I don’t know why I haven’t considered towing anything with it! That would probably solve most of the storage problem for us. Thank you! Sent...
  9. H

    Full time living for family of 5 in Washington.

    I had a friend tell us not to use hay bales during the winter if we stay parked because the mice like them way too much. My husband is set on a TT so he doesn’t have to modify the truck but I’m trying to get him to change his mind lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. H

    Full time living for family of 5 in Washington.

    Awesome tip thank you! Utilizing extra tanks never even occurred to me! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. H

    Full time living for family of 5 in Washington.

    I will definitely check out the app! I think our storage problem will be something I’m just going to have to play with once we finally decide what kind of rig we’re getting. We don’t have an Aldi around here but I do use Winco also. I really want to start getting into the farmers markets. We...
  12. H

    Full time living for family of 5 in Washington.

    I’ve been taking the girls with us when I go to explore at rv lots. It took me all of 10 minutes to decide that anything less then 30’ is going to make us crazy! As far as storage, we got lucky enough to have grandparents that are going to allow us to store anything that’s not needed everyday...
  13. H

    Family of 5 ready to take first step towards dreams.

    I never thought about YouTube! And holy cow! I would love to be able to do that! It has to be so liberating! I think we will have to start out big though. lol I’m thankful that for the first months we start we will be parked at my grandmas so I can let the girls go visit GG if I get overwhelmed...
  14. H

    Family of 5 ready to take first step towards dreams.

    That was my fault for assuming! I was thinking about purchasing a small stock tank to sit outside during the summer. That way I could dunk the kids before they ran inside! Hubby works in the summer and we have to stay in one spot so hauling it around won’t be an issue. Before we decided to go...
  15. H

    Full time living for family of 5 in Washington.

    We plan on selling our house, (I’m told it’s better to wait until after we purchase our new home on wheels), so we have a fairly large pool of affordable options. Our main plan is to save money though so we will probably stick with something we can buy outright or make minimum payments on. We...
  16. H

    Family of 5 ready to take first step towards dreams.

    Wow! Good to know we’re in good company! Any advice for us newbies? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. H

    Family of 5 ready to take first step towards dreams.

    Thank you! I’m excited to get some advice from the pros! [emoji5] We have three girls, 1, 3, and 5. We grew up in northeast Washington and are really hoping to find land around there. Winters are a bit harsh so that worries me a bit. Although we do have lots of family here so if anything does go...
  18. H

    Full time living for family of 5 in Washington.

    I’m brand spanking new to the rv world and I have no idea what we should be looking for. New or used? Trailer or 5th wheel? We have a Dodge Ram 3500 and my husband has experience towing so that won’t be an issue. I’m afraid of getting something too small and driving myself crazy. Or buying a...
  19. H

    Family of 5 ready to take first step towards dreams.

    Hi there! I’m a wife and mother of three. My family is on the path to one day having a homestead in Washington. We own a house now but are wanting to transition to a travel trailer or fifth wheel so we can have a place to live while we search for property and build our dream home. We plan on...