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  1. T

    24/7 Chat About Anything

    Our last house pet, a cat, died last winter. I decided not to replace her to make traveling easier.  With the current stay at home choices due to health issues and virus vulnerabilities I have been very tempted to get both a dog and a cat again. But for now the robot vacuum cleaner is our pet...
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    KY - I could enjoy hosting a few van dweller guests [split] New Comer

    Hi, Nature Lover. I am so sorry to hear of your family's loss of those precious babies, and hope you get there soon. I imagine it will settle your daughter's heart in a the way that only family visits can, to have her father there for a bit. We are staying home pretty strictly due to the covid-19.
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    Ho boy, things are starting to move fast and I'm getting really nervous & anxious.

    Hi, Morkani.  This is an interesting thread. IMHO, you have been given a lot of good advice. It never ceases to amaze me how kind, patient, knowledgeable and interesting folks on this forum are. I admire your courage to launch yourself. You headed out confident that you could land on your...
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    New van dweller

    Welcome from KY, Carla. I bid you smooth sailing with your final preps. My family lived in Valparaiso for about 12 years. They were good years, but eventually we moved back to KY when a good job opened here. Do you know which direction you intend to head first?
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    Hello! going to look at a van tomorrow

    Hi and welcome. What a beautiful van! I like your spirit of adventure, and your decision to see the positive opportunity in the challenging new reality this virus caused.   Shadowmoss introduced me to all weather hammock camping over a decade ago. Now she keeps insisting I pay it forward! LOL...
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    No driver's license- stuck in a dead-end town!

    You made great use of your stimulus check, in my opinion.  I agree with the suggestion that the library can be a good place to meet people who may be able to help you network your way to a solution. Do they have a bulletin board there? In my smaller than yours burg, the local IGA has a bulletin...
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    KY - I could enjoy hosting a few van dweller guests [split] New Comer

    LOL! My husband and I with various friends spent many happy weekends living in Sloan's Valley Cave mapping while the lake was down. We were married in August of 1968 and spent 13 of the first 19 weekends of marriage mapping that cave in an attempt to beat the return of the water. We camped in...
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    New here...

    Welcome, Carolyne. I suspect you will have fun searching for the right van. I loved the search and it prepared me to feel confident once I found the right fit for me/us. Sure surprised me, actually, what I ended up with. Certainly was not the van I thought I wanted and needed. Compromise to suit...
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    The adventure begins

    bullfrog, with respect, you seem to be a very rich man in the important riches. I aspire to this kind of walking my talk. I am rich with bullfrog song, from the puddle pond in my backyard. Somedays, their frog chorus is the salvation of my soul. I smile each time a see your username in the...
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    New member

    Hi, Joe. Welcome. It's like a candy shop--so many great choices! Happy exploring and tasting to you!
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    Welcome to the forums, Scotty. Thank you for your service. Good luck with the schooling/nomad paths. What kind of a vehicle are you in? What are you studying?
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    what the forum has done/meant to me

    Gosh,HDR, you don't want much do you? How do I love you, let me count the ways. No one has enough time to read my full and sincere answer. I will never get to bed if I try to type it! So, a lick and a promise is what you'll get for now.  If it isn't enough, I'd love for you to come drag me out...
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    KY - I could enjoy hosting a few van dweller guests [split] New Comer

    Thank you. I appreciate you and this decision.
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    KY - I could enjoy hosting a few van dweller guests [split] New Comer

    Hi, Friends. I'd like to refresh this thread and put my hat in for meeting van dwellers in eastern or western KY. Tonight that seemed appropriate when I followed Nature Nuts posts links here hoping to see if he might currently be in KY. Maybe I should move it to another thread? Like the OP in...
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    Thanks for the gallery tour, sir.  IMHO, a local there has serious talent that needs a proper outlet for expression.
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    Midwest Equinox Encampment, March 19 - 22, 2020 Land Between the Lakes, KY

    Have Dutch Oven, Will travel. This hammock hanger is getting excited to meet more CRVL forum folks. I have ordered a few stickers and am planning to be in the Taylor's Bay area camping with friends during the dates of this event. The LBL is fairly close to my home base, a friend has been...
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    Have cargo van, want to add a TT. Advice?

    'Since I'd offered to adopt his dog and give her a good home, his executor chose to provide to me the trailer that they lived in '.       I love the way your friend's executor chose to fulfill his duties.
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    Hi,Truckin. Your introduction post has me wondering which of the aspects of "mobile minimalism" overwhelms you the most. Is it the mobile or the minimalism? Sounds as if you may be freer than most to hit the road. I am curious to hear more about your current situation and your goals. Do you have...
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    Howdy, ya'll!

    It is nice to see your update. Thank you for your encouragement that we may find life on the road a healthier choice. Best wishes to you. Please update again soon.
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    Not Waiting Around Anymore

    Yes! This has become a focus for me as I make some hard decisions to thrive while being a caregiver spouse.