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  1. C

    Keeping Warm

    Surprised no one mentioned the Hot Hands and similar chemical heaters. Too expensive for every night but keep an emergency supply for those really cold nights.
  2. C

    Cheaper than cooking?

    Not sure if this post would be better handled over in "Money and Finances" but I'll give it a shot here. Has anyone worked the numbers on cooking yourself vs. fast food /grocery 'deli' conveniences? I know for a family of 4 or 6 you can't beat the casserole dish of Tuna Surprise on price but...
  3. C

    Anyone try Pigeon, Crow or any other critter....

    I saw that one about eating roadkill (maybe it was on that show Taboo?). That was pretty foul. :barf:
  4. C

    Recycling Grey Water

    Purely academic for me. I'm lucky enough to be able to reach over and turn on the city tap (for now) but I could see myself or others being in this less than ideal situation. A solar still weren't they called? Clear plastic over a moisture source with a drip system to collect the condensation...
  5. C

    Recycling Grey Water

    Sorry for the dual post. Brought this topic over from Bathroom/Showering forum. Thought it could use its own thread. From a purely academic standpoint, can you recycle your gray water tanks? Billions of people in the world survive on water that would not pass any standard of potability. For...
  6. C

    car wash water

    From a purely academic standpoint, can you recycle your gray water tanks? Billions of people in the world survive on water that would not pass any standard of potability. For hardcore boondockers in the Southwest it might be an interesting idea. If you think about it most of us are drinking...
  7. C

    Anyone try Pigeon, Crow or any other critter....

    Remind me to turn down your dinner invitation :-D
  8. C

    Things I can do now to transition easier

    I swear, I need the equivalent of a "swear jar" (pun intended). These are some hard habits to break after 40 years! Running, the kitchen/bathroom sink at full blast for anything other than filling the sink or a pot. Why? If its yellow, let it mellow. If its brown, flush it down. Although, I...
  9. C

    Anyone here a ' Storm Chaser'?

    Hey,<div><br></div><div>thanks Les. &nbsp;Yeah, I've been down that 10-99 road before.</div><div><br></div><div>I watched a guy setting roof sheathing on a 9/12 roof in a snow storm last year and I said to my wife, "That is why I don't want to go back to work for somebody...
  10. C

    Anyone try Pigeon, Crow or any other critter....

    Love fried Ochra. Hated it steamed. Like a bowl of snot. If you live in the south where Spotted Gar are common, they are usually thrown out as "trash fish". If you can cut through their armor plate skin (start at the butt) they have a strip of boneless white meat down each side of the...
  11. C

    Anyone try Pigeon, Crow or any other critter....

    I tried it first time on a dare, now my wife and I are JUNKIES! If you've never tried it before you really should. Just be sure you go to a good place that serves fresh. We got old sushi one time (not old like, get your stomach pumped old) just not very fresh and we almost stopped going for...
  12. C

    Anyone try Pigeon, Crow or any other critter....

    Guess the only wierd thing I tried that I didn't care for was Uni (Sea Anemone Roe common at sushi resturaunts) love sushi but not Uni I believe in trying everything once but I draw the line at Asian Baluts (fertilized, partially developed duck eggs) and any kind of spider
  13. C

    Anyone try Pigeon, Crow or any other critter....

    ....That would be considered a legitimate meal in any country besides the wealthiest. Put it on a menu and call it squab and you can charge $30 bucks for it.
  14. C

    Anyone here a ' Storm Chaser'?

    Anyone here travel to disaster areas to work? As a Jack-of-all-Trades this could be an option for me to make a living. Thanks
  15. C

    Things I can do now to transition easier

    Sporks! &nbsp;Its a spoon, its a fork.<div><br></div><div> </span></div><div><span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; text-align: left; "><br></span></div><div><span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255)...
  16. C

    Refrigerator trucks?

    I wonder if they are insulated? &nbsp;Wonder if the could be converted to heat?
  17. C

    Things I can do now to transition easier

    I know when I got out of the Marines in 98 everything I owned fit in the back of an S10 pick-up (with a cap no less!). Now I would be lucky if I could get the contents of my closet in there SMH
  18. C

    DevilDog's Dystopian Diary

    So, I guess like blkjak, I'll start my log a little early. Hopefully 3-5 years early.<div><br></div><div>Captain's Log Stardate.. (No wait that's all wrong)</div><div><br></div><div>As some of you know from my Intro I have two options for hitting the road. &nbsp;As part of a team with my wife of...
  19. C

    Things I can do now to transition easier

    Hi all and thanks for the input.&nbsp;<div><br></div><div>Just to clarify, my wife and I were looking at Long Term Care Insurance as opposed to LTD or SSD. &nbsp;We would pay into a private company now, like State Farm or similar, and when we're to old to eat solid food, they agree to be our...
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    Things I can do now to transition easier

    Well, we currently break our tent out about twice a year. &nbsp;We have a nice time but its all fair-weather stuff. &nbsp;I spent 6 weeks in a dome tent in the Sierra Nevadas in February and it was no picnic :-D &nbsp;But you couldn't beat the view.<div><br></div><div>We have no children and her...