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  1. L

    Ehrenberg Amenities

    Since there's a lot of people going to Ehrenberg pre RTR I thought it be good to post the amenities in town just in case it is your first time. It is a small town. The Flying J truckstop is very close where you can do laundry and get a shower for $12. However, if you want to save some money you...
  2. L

    Looking to meet up with others of the CRVL tribe

    Someone that just got here today said the GPS I had on my post doesn't work on Garmin (it will on a smart phone navigation app). We ended up running into each other anyway while I was walking around so I guess it got her into the general area. Just use the information Bob posted from last year...
  3. L

    Looking to meet up with others of the CRVL tribe

    Several of us are there at desert street with this GPS in map area Bob posted:  33.5833241,-114.4697734 It is the last dirt road on the left before the road goes downhill right before the 'road narrows' sign. We look forward to meeting you!
  4. L

    Anyone in Ehrenburg right now?

    Last night there was a big windstorm in Erhenberg. It is usually not like that here. Perfect night tonight. There are lots of pre RTR people showing up here. Just park and walk around and say hi to people that are already outside and introduce yourself. Most people are pretty friendly. Any...
  5. L

    Everyone's out west.. Any Jersey Peeps?

    I am traveling through Illinois right now, will be in Michigan tomorrow and will be in New Jersey in a few weeks and then I want to explore all of the states North of there and possibly Canada if anybody wants to meet up. Please let me know of some good places to go and some good boondocking...
  6. L

    Colorado gtg July?

    The closest town is Jefferson, Colorado off Interstate 285. After you get into town take Taryall Road/County Road 77 (road only goes one direction) 8.1 miles to the Southeast and then turn left at Rock Creek Hill Road. After passing the cattle grate go 1 mile and then turn left down a little...
  7. L

    Colorado gtg July?

    I am at the same location as Dean. The GPS coordinates in post 25 took us to different locations and the GPS Dean posted took me to a different location than him, so I wouldn't rely too much on GPS. The GPS coordinates did at least take us both past the cattle grate. As Dean mentioned we are...
  8. L

    Colorado gtg July?

    Where exactly is this gathering? GPS, directions and nearest city please. Also, does anyone know if you get Verizon service there? Thank you.
  9. L

    Colorado gtg July?

    Sounds great to me. The group I am traveling with is interested in going to Colorado around that time. There are four of us.
  10. L

    A informal summer gathering in Flagstaff

    So far I haven't found anyone that can give pointers for playing a native style flute. You can learn a lot from YouTube videos though so I'm sure you sound good. I would love to hear you play. So far we have several guitar players, several singers, a couple of drum players and a ukulele player...
  11. L

    Newest of Newbies

    I met a girl the exact same age as you at the winter RTR. She saved up her money and bought a van that her dad helped her fix up along with saving enough money to pay expenses on the road. At the end of the RTR she went to the big RV show that they always have in town to one of the work camping...
  12. L

    A informal summer gathering in Flagstaff

    Send me a private message for directions to 'band camp' if you want to stop in for a visit or to camp here. This is CB's link on facebook to his rolling recording studio:  "This one time at band camp..." (from the American Pie movie if you haven't heard that before)
  13. L

    A informal summer gathering in Flagstaff

    We are planning on visiting everyone at your camp too and maybe staying a few nights there going back and forth between the camp areas. We have several musicians at our camp with some great jam sessions (ending at a reasonable hour) so we can call our camp 'band camp'. There is someone here with...
  14. L

    A informal summer gathering in Flagstaff

    There is a group of us (10 so far) camped out in Flagstaff in a great open area not too far to get too from the main road with a small part of the road being bumpy with great cell service for everyone in our group if you want to change locations. A person camping with us went to the summer RTR...
  15. L

    Looking to join the tribe. Bags are packed.

    I sent you both a private message with the GPS coordinates. We look forward to meeting you both!
  16. L

    Looking to join the tribe. Bags are packed.

    Laura and 4x4 gamer. There is a group of us camped out in a really nice part of the forest near Flagstaff. Would you like for me to PM you the GPS coordinates?
  17. L

    Pack rats in engine

    I laughed so hard reading your rodent story  :D I can totally picture all of it. I have met lots of people lately that have had rodent problems so I'm trying to prevent having any. Thanks all for posting your tips.
  18. L

    A informal summer gathering in Flagstaff

    I saw the liability provision on the application for the permit and was willing to take a chance, but now I'm kindof glad I'm not gonna do it. I like the idea of everyone showing up on different dates and spreading out more.
  19. L

    A informal summer gathering in Flagstaff

    Jim, If I get a permit it doesn't mean that it will automatically be a huge event like the RTR or a substitute RTR. It is just a permit. They have people obtain a permit if just a family gathering of 75 or more people. A group of like minded people gathering like us would be similar. There would...
  20. L

    A informal summer gathering in Flagstaff

    I have been corresponding with the person who issues the permits. I let her know we are mostly in rvs and vans with our own toilets so she didnt bring up us needing to have toilets. She e-mailed me the permit application and suggested that I have everyone rsvp to see if close to 75 people or...