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  1. M

    my route 1st draft

    well finishing up packing...heading out of VA up to WV and moms, figure i'll be there a few weeks, I've been collecting food and stuff for a while so I got to lighten my load can't haul it all.    when I leave WV will head down through TN to AL and MS then head north to SD and WY..always wanted...
  2. M

    going to be pulling out

    caught that after my post...wondered if anyone might go there :idea: hope to catch up with you sometime ghost bet you have some interesting stories.
  3. M

    going to be pulling out

    wed 20 july...leaving tomorrow for WV visit mom before heading out on the road, please note getting online will be tricky after tomorrow , but will check messages and emails, and reply back when I can... I know i'm brand new here, but hope to meet up with and get to know as many of you as you...
  4. M

    Group purchase of land for RV community

    ghost--love this idea,  my new adventure to travel west is to check on land for a home base,  I've been searching land in TX, NM, AZ, NV on and have found a few listings for desert land  up to 20 acres for less than 8K  in NM and TX  and without zoning headaches or time frames for...
  5. M


    Thanks for info, as for pics i'm very low tech (still trying to figure out exactly how to navigate this site)  my phone is a flip phone and I don't text :)  I've seen people with this new fangled thing called a smart phone :huh: lol  so as soon as I get together with someone who knows how to...
  6. M


    thanks Cyndi,  I added the site to my favorites,  I have and I purchased the book Free and low-cost campgrounds  by don wright because I feel i'll have times I won't have access to wifi unless I go into towns and all the places that offer free wifi you have to get the access...
  7. M


    hello,  I just found ,  been searching the web for like minded people for months, I have paid myself out of dept,  purchased a 16 ft camper to pull behind my Toyota truck and I am set to take off in a few weeks.  I want to feel free before I die, I have some cash left, a book...