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  1. R

    RV or TT

    I'm looking for a 24-26' toyhauler. The garage would let me carry my motorcycle and gives me a nice large room in the back that can be reconfigured easily to whatever I needed. I like the idea of having the large bed that raises to the ceiling in the back. If you have it setup as a living room...
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    Trailer Hitch Issues

    Truthfully I could care less. I really wish that inflections could be transmitted across text. I am not freaking as you seem to be thinking I am. I just wanted you to think about your actions and how it might affect others. Yes I used worse case scenerio's and can come across as...
  3. R

    And so it begins...

    Carrying the motorcycle will depend on ratings of the vehicle, the hitch, the type of mount (there are other brands I might be able to recomend if you need stronger.) and the weight and balance of the bike. I've carried double up dirt bikes on a carrier, but I wouldn't haul my Harley because the...
  4. R

    urban camo magnets ?

    Some state DOT's and LEO's will look for logo'd vehicles to make sure they are tagged/registered properly. In some states the cost for registration is much larger for a commercial vehicle and the rules regarding what is a commercial vehicle can be different for every state. It could result in a...
  5. R

    Towing a Trailer behind Your Van?

    I've had an idea of using an enclosed service bed on a truck-bed trailer frame to tow as a kind of hybrid off-road trailer/ enclosed utility trailer. It would be great for stealth in town if you are blending in as some sort of company vehicle. Even the solar panels would raise less eyebrows. You...
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    College student living in a 91 Toyota Corolla

    One thing that helped us stretch the dollar when I was in dire straights with my family was looking through survival/homesteading forums and books. It wasn't the spending money on freeze dried food or mre's or growing a garden. But those sites and books have a lot of recipes and guidelines that...
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    Trailer Hitch Issues

    <br><br>I agree with the first paragraph (Edit:that I quoted) you posted. I've often had to Rig/Macgyver, whatever you want to call it, a solution to get the job done. Safe and prudent are the key words I want to point out.<br><br>I am guessing that last line was aimed at me because I mentioned...
  8. R

    Trailer Hitch Issues

    Since she prefaced with the words "...Stupid question." I gave her my answer to when people ask stupid questions. Yes, there are stupid questions, not neccesarily asked by stupid people. I've worked with, and trained people, from many backgrounds to work with dangerous things. Some of those...
  9. R

    Trailer Hitch Issues

    The question I ask when someone asks about doing something stupid. YES STUPID.... What would you do to the guy that did it that ended up causing an accident that killed your wife, kid, grandkid, or if you have none of those your mother? Ever seen a trailer rolling down the road at 60mph with...
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    Suspicious Person: "Do you live in this neighborhood?"

    Actually I live in the middle of nowhere in KS. Currently i am homesteading. Mainly I am surrounded by farmers fields. You be surprised how much dealers make if they are smart they don't all live in the ghetto. And I wouldn't live in a city if I was paid to. But to get to his place all of his...
  11. R

    Suspicious Person: "Do you live in this neighborhood?"

    I've been on both sides of this issue. Guess I am getting paranoid in my old age (haha, early 30's). But after having a meth dealer living next door and dealing out of their house, I have gotten very suspicious of strange vehicles in my neighborhood. I've had to settle down since I have kids...
  12. R

    Ham vs. CB

    I'm also studying to get my technician's and probably general at the same time depend on when I can get to a test site. I got my GROL w/radar endorsement years ago. I have always kept a little handheld scanner in the truck that was capable of receiving the police/fire and 2 meter bands. It comes...
  13. R

    Tagalongs As Permanent Homes...

    We lived in a travel trailer that had been parked on some land with full hookups. Since the sewer and water were hooked up full-time we would just flush with extra water. About once a month we'd also use a black tank wand through the toilet to make sure there was no buildup.
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    Bus to RV....

    Nice work. Glad to see a fellow Skoolie.
  15. R

    unwritten rules of responsible boondockers

    <div><br></div><div>I have found that a cheap way to hang the lantern is with a simple plant hanging hook you can get from most home&amp; garden stores. Something like this one.</div><div><br></div><div><a...
  16. R

    Favorite Meal under $2.00

    Rice dishes. Definitely for the price, rice would have to be my choice. A big bag of rice will go a long way and it keeps really well. It also helps you expand on whatever meal you've made.<div><br></div><div>A good breakfast recipe I like is rice cooked with raisins and a little bit of sugar...
  17. R

    Grilling fish

    I thought I'd share a interesting way I stumbled across for grilling fish. Last fall I was out at the lake and had caught a couple of decent sized catfish. Well my wife didn't want me to use her freshly seasoned iron skillet because she was planning on making eggs and bacon the next morning and...
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    I hope you enjoy Wichita Katie. I lived there from 05-07 and still have some great friends there. I live in SE KS now away from the hustle and bustle of any city. Wichita is even too big for my tastes anymore.&nbsp;<div><br></div><div>I had good and bad times in Wichita but overall it was a good...
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    Staying clean

    One trick I have found that works well for a easy shower is to use a modified garden sprayer. I would give credit to whoever came up with it but I can't remember.<div><br></div><div>The idea is to take a new garden sprayer. You don't want to be spraying yourself with unknown residual gunk from...
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    Greetings and Salutations

    The front couch folds down into a full size bed. But even up I've fell asleep on it easily. I just want to redo the upholstery because of a few tears. And I need to add blackout curtains. I do need to replace the the chep futon matress in the back. I think it came from a $100 walmart futon and...