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  1. T

    Best way to insulate enclosed utility bed?

    Hi, I am building an elongated 4x4 van, that will be half van, half utility bed. I have not fitted the utility bed to it yet, but soon. My concern is that, the metal box will act as a sort of reverse heat sink, with the cooling "fins" being the internal shelving. I saw a product once, to...
  2. T

    Living on the road, managing a business, with minimum investment

    Alright so I will outline where I am at in life presently, and how to survive. My only other recourse is to go on SSI, which to me feels like a dead-end in life, as they will not "allow" me to make any money. To be fair, a little warning and background, my childhood was something I was lucky...
  3. T

    Kind of stagnant...

    A little background, I feel is necessary. Warning, I talk about spiritual things. I had a traumatic childhood I was lucky to survive. It has, put me into a permanent from of Crisis, that only recently (The last 3 years...) have I begun to battle/accept/forgive/let go of. Recently, I...
  4. T

    Hi there

    I am not new to vanlife, but I do need help. I built a live in camper van a few years ago, and found happiness in a small space. I had a home, just preferred living in the van. Today, I have a huge van project, a 4x4 conversion, and a covered utility bed that will be my new home.