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  1. T

    Covid vaccines

    Since I got my vaccination I've been in the hospital 2 times in a week for bug bites which I never had problems with before. Our governor says we have to wear masks even if vaccinated and after a booster shot. If I'm going to have to wear a mask anyway then I'll pass on anymore shots until they...
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    Should I fix it?

    In the past 6 years I've sunk over $12,000 into repairs and upgrades. The fact that my rig is 33 years old has been both beneficial and a hindrance in regards to repairs. For example. 1. Drive lines were both replaced but they had to be custom made since they're not made anymore. 2. Not even the...
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    New to Forum

    Welcome to the forums. My wife and I have made a few outings and have learned alot. Like the old saying goes, practice makes perfect. Good luck on your path to discovery
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    Should I fix it?

    The name of the shop is Kitsap muffler, it's for a converter specifically made for my truck but because my truck so old and there's no electronics whatsoever hooked up to it it's cheaper. And they are known to do some other than acceptable work by the authorities shall we say LOL
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    A long day

    Of all the long road trips I've been on this one would rate in the top three. The other 2 were when three of my friends and I when I was 19 drove from Bremerton to Tijuana Mexico during Cinco de Mayo to buy some tacos and beer. Things went interestingly but it took me three months to get...
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    If you're dog chews...

    I bought my dog another type muzzle which seemed like it was working until, I went into Wall drug and while I was in there she managed to escape it, tear it to shreds and used the knob on my shifter like a jawbreaker it was so chewed up I'd put paper hours I wouldn't cut my hand.
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    Should I fix it?

    I found a shop that'll give me a new converter installed for $200. Getting it fixed before I head out again along with other issues that developed on our trip. Better safe than sorry.
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    Interstate 84

    While driving on I-84 in Oregon around The Dalles area the right lane westbound has some really bad potholes and are next to impossible to see at night. I hit them and they almost threw me off the road and now my entire front end suspension is rattling bad and bad shaking in steering wheel so if...
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    Hidey Ho Neighbors!!!

    Welcome and sorry to hear about your first skoolie, hope everything is going well for your current one, we love pictures.
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    Hello everyone

    Welcome to the group PiperAta, lots of good people here to help you with your questions and so on.
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    A long day

    Without getting into details I had to return to file charges for burglary, trespassing and negligent homicide in regards to my dad's death last Thanksgiving.
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    A long day

    I was never so happy when I saw my truck after a long backpacking trip in the mountains. Totally understand where you're coming from.
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    A long day

    Due to unforeseen circumstances happening back at our home base we drove 1,268 miles from Cheyenne Wyoming back to Bremerton in 20 hours and 43 minutes. That was a long day. Have you ever driven so long that when you stop to get gas it feels like you're still moving when you get out of the vehicle?
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    Glory bound?

    They might be able to fix that but it's going to take a lot of duct tape and bubble gum.
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    If you're dog chews...

    Well we were at Wall drug in South Dakota today my dog Dora managed to get her muzzle off, chew it to shreds and chewed on the knob for my shifter. Over the last 3 months she has turned my truck into a puppy buffet. At least she hasn't chewed my steering wheel yet.
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    Should I fix it?

    It's the original catalytic converter from 33 years ago and it does impede some of my power.
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    Communities to avoid

    I'm one of the 2% of the nomads that should have also avoided it. I am quarter mohawk and have native design tattoos, for the most part I was wearing a flannel that covered them all but when I took off the flannel and went into the store everybody was looking at me funny asking if I was one of...
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    Communities to avoid

    Custer, SD. The people in Custer South Dakota are very friendly (if you're not native American). I have Eyewitnessed first hand the prejudice against the natives because of them building the Crazy Horse Memorial so close to a city named after a dead general.
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    Black hills gold.

    Yeah I did my research when I bought a book about the history of Crazy Horse from the Lakota Indians and how they verified all the information in there so thank you maybe you should check your facts. Good luck
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    Another zombie

    Welcome to the forums. You're going to find a lot of nice and helpful people here.