These posts are just too long to read through.
If your transmission is so worn as to need old burnt out dirty fluid to function, do you think you should drive further than the local grocery store? Don't buy more food than you can carry home from the break down on the side of the road.
Transfers between different banks is slow with any bank. Transfers from BOA is three days longer than from Ally. BoA also charges for transfers to outside banks. Ally is always free. My transfers from Ally takes 3 days. To BoA adds another 4 days. Just the max banking law allows.
"friend with me. What if I was alone and something like that happened? What" 3rd world. tomorrows meat on a stick?
I had something in Georgia. The changes in drinking water contaminates from one part of USA to another. Thank you! I was glad to have my 5 gallon bucket.
"I've found rat poison to work best for me-cheap and easy and doesn't take up any room."
had a rat die from poison laid up in a tight space under the floor. The stink was unbearable for a few days or more.
I also wondered about poisoned critters getting eaten by other things that then died. I...
" stay away from the "mechanic in a can" type of stuff it's all snake oil. "
It is not! Just make sure to use the product that says "magic" some place on the label.
Oh ya. If it makes your transmission better, your trans will soon fail.
Banking communication over the internet is encrypted by the programs our bank uses. Over wire ie: home dsl or cable, no one can just pull your info with out access to the wire. Over cell phone access any one near you can intercept the broadcast airwaves. That info may be encrypted, but any one...
Spam is when your email or site is inundated by stuff you don't want. If I had a service I would call my friends attention to that service. I would not agree that I was spamming.
Never the less. This company has received recommendations across many internet groups and comes very well recommended...
Glad to hear from you. Please stay in touch, you have many friends on this forum. I wish I was on the left coast to be able to offer some mechanical help.