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  1. Cathead

    battery bank in truck cab?

    highdesertranger, I'm thinking of possibly having 4 batteries.
  2. Cathead

    battery bank in truck cab?

    The plan is for AGM batteries. They would be secured, so as not to take flight in an accident. Not sure on the exact truck yet, it would be a one ton. Probably not diesel. There wouldn’t be any issue with wiring ? I’m guessing. They would be used for camper use. I’d rather have some more camper...
  3. Cathead

    battery bank in truck cab?

    Would it be okay to locate a battery bank for solar in the cab of a truck (crew or extended cab location)? If they they are secure and well insulated from cold, is there a reason not to put them there? I'm thinking of a future truck camper.
  4. Cathead

    Towels towels towels

    I like linen because it drys quick, absorbs well, smells good from sun and wind, is thin, can be used as blanket without picking up sand. I like to use soap nuts for laundry, doesn't leave fabric with any detergent odor.
  5. Cathead

    Actual MPG for your cabover?

    Maybe $100 bills?
  6. Cathead

    Looking for truck suggestions for truck camper

    I've thought about trailers but I'm very resistant to it. I don't like the awkwardness of backing up and turning in tight spots and steering in an opposite way while backing is too hard on my limited cognitive ability! I've been tempted though because we have an Astro van that could pull a...
  7. Cathead

    I have a strange gun question

    I can't see what being noble has to do with it. Isn't it just a matter of not wanting another creature to go through agony? Do what you can, if you can?
  8. Cathead

    Looking for truck suggestions for truck camper

    Makes me think of something like this, attaches to truck with adapter kits for different model trucks, a modular setup. Have no idea how much it costs. Here is the link:
  9. Cathead

    I have a strange gun question

    minimotos, Thanks for the pic, I see what you mean.
  10. Cathead

    I have a strange gun question

    What are the dikes at the end of wire cutters? Does that just mean the angle of the cutting part? or do they have some feature regular wire cutters don't?
  11. Cathead

    I have a strange gun question

    Just as a side note. I've seen a video clip of a wolf (if I remember right) caught in a fence. A man in a pickup came by with wire-cutters and was able to free it, and it was able to run off. I know this is a dangerous thing to attempt - but I'm going to keep wire-cutters with me in my vehicle!
  12. Cathead

    I have a strange gun question

    I've had to do it with a deer the neighborhood dogs had attacked. I didn't have a gun, so had to decide what to do, to smother it was all I could think to do at the time. Your right masterplumber, it still haunts me and therefore the whole gun question arises. The animal was not going to...
  13. Cathead

    Looking for truck suggestions for truck camper

    I've been thinking of that sort of set up Bob mentions, with the cab, 4x4 and lightweight shell that we can customize, for two of us. I'm also concerned about storage space - therefore larger cab. Maybe a Capri camper or smaller Lance or fiberglass shell. Not too wide, tall or long. Do want a...
  14. Cathead

    Looking for truck suggestions for truck camper

    Canine, interesting outside-the-box idea about finding a body damaged extended cab! Sounds like it might be complicated though.
  15. Cathead

    I have a strange gun question

    Maybe I'll stick to the calling for assistance plan and hope it never happens again.
  16. Cathead

    I have a strange gun question

    highdesert, oh yes, I would get experience/training first for sure! If I do decide to get a gun.
  17. Cathead

    I have a strange gun question

    Thanks minimotos, I'll look up those you mentioned. It would make sense to call those numbers if it happens again, only worry is that I'll be too far away for them to respond in a reasonable length of time.
  18. Cathead

    I have a strange gun question

    From a horrible experience I had last year... when a wild animal was severely injured. I wished I had access to a gun to put this animal out of it's misery quickly. I have no knowledge or experience with guns, but certainly can learn. So.... is there a handgun that would do the job? for even a...
  19. Cathead

    Looking for truck suggestions for truck camper

    Always trade-offs, guess I'll start with the ideal truck and work backward. It will probably be a couple years before we can afford to buy another vehicle, but I want to know what to look for when the time comes. Thanks for the suggestions, anyone else want to add to it?
  20. Cathead

    Nature Rx, a spoof video

    Published on Aug 4, 2015 Set in the world of a spoofed prescription drug commercial, Nature Rx offers a hearty dose of laughs and the outdoors - two timeless prescriptions for whatever ails you. Side effects may include confidence, authenticity, remembering you have a body, and being in a good...