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  1. R

    Toyota Van 1986 Year Model

    Never owned one, but I have heard that the one thing to look out for is a owners manual. Since some of the inner workings are different from the way toyotas were made after this model, even mechanics may be lost when you take it in. The repair manual is therefore an asset to...
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    There's Gold In Them Thar Hills!

    Whoa, I had no idea people still made money off of this. I cant see myself doing it as a serious income, but this ranks with the coolest hobbies a person can have.
  3. R


    Anybody ever used the site before. I have twice so far and had good experiences both times. A good way to meet local residents of the area you are travelling. 
  4. R

    Are most traveling alone?

    I was surprised to learn that most of the van and rv travelers I have come across so far are couples or people in groups. I would have figured on more solo travelers. So theres hope for anyone hoping to one day have a companion with them in the future!
  5. R

    May trade up for a larger van in the future

    About to hit the three week mark on the road. Loving it so far. I am so much more productive/energetic than before. I am also eating better and exercising more.&nbsp;<div><br></div><div>One gripe. The Previa, as much as I love her, is awfully cramped. Getting into the back is awkward. I spend a...
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    Best Stealth Van Conversion I've Seen...

    My guess is he was probly getting around 13-15 highway. The weight taken off by removing seats might have balanced out a little.
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    January NW Trip

    Whoa, what an interesting guy. I'd love to meet up with him someday.
  8. R

    Grome's setup!

    I am cramped for space in my van, Suburu or station wagon would be tough. Looking forward to seeing your new set up.
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    Vincent, my Van that Goghs... in progress

    agh, you are lucky those tension rods work with your van! I remember the battles I had with them before I left. I eventually just decided to thumb tack my curtains up haha.&nbsp;
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    Pick Up America is Hiring

    Sounds like a great job. I may try to get involved with the fall one.&nbsp;
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    Chance encounters...

    This is so cool. Small world.
  12. R

    Cheap futon option...

    That looks interesting. Thanks for the link. It might get pretty chilly in the areas I am going so I am going to need all the comfort I can find.&nbsp;
  13. R

    First trip, First night

    It was a little chilly, but a great ride nonetheless. I did see a couple of the mounds, which I took the time to stop the bike and walk around one. Its strange to think that this site was the location of so much activity so long ago..and now here I am standing next to a mound. Good to see some...
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    First trip, First night

    Thanks Paddlin Man! Its pretty basic right now. Just an air mattress, a bike, curtains pinned to the drivers side back window, and books scattered here and there. Saw another Previa owner today here in MS, its like we had a bond.
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    update on that: there were a bunch of people here at mcdonalds trying to get the saints game on the tv but the mcdonalds employees couldnt change the channel. I had the game streaming to my laptop and got the crowd to gather around and watch the last few minutes. Coolest moment on the road so...
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    Another form of community with types like us, those who also gleefully hog the internet at mcdonalds, starbucks, hotel waiting rooms, and other sources of power. There forms this kind of unspoken bond around the outlets.&nbsp;
  17. R

    Where to store bicycle?

    I keep mine inside my small little van. I wouldnt feel comfortable with it on the outside. Does create a few space issues, but I usually can make it work. The worst part is taking it out at busy parking lots when I want to ride.&nbsp;
  18. R

    van or stuff first?

    I would get the van first. Good luck and keep us updated!
  19. R

    What makes good stealth?

    If the place you park is<div>-Open 24s or late into the night</div><div>-Has a big parking lot with lights</div><div>-Not in an inner city area</div><div>-Connected to other stores (strip malls and the like)</div><div><br></div><div>You should be ok no matter what you are driving.</div>
  20. R

    RTR January 2012 is scheduled!!

    So wish I could be there for this. Is anybody going to be hanging around the SW in the time after? I should be in the Arizona- NM area around March!