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  1. J

    Big Brother and the gas tax

    I agree we don't need it on the road. But that's not what you said. You asserted that pot is causing accidents and used that as justification for punitive tax rates. 1. I agree that pot impaired individuals should not be driving, I disagree that pot impaired individuals are driving under the...
  2. J

    Big Brother and the gas tax

    Freedom... only good till it applies to someone else. I'd challenge your assertion pot makes the roads less safe. Potholes on the other hand...
  3. J

    Polygamy and polyandry and other mixes

    Agreed, the first post was a frustrated reflex that didn’t need said.
  4. J

    Polygamy and polyandry and other mixes

    If an intersexed neutrois, a transman, and a two spirit enter a poly marriage how many men married how many women?
  5. J

    Polygamy and polyandry and other mixes

    *shakes head* I guess if people really want to believe polygamy is all about men building harems no amount of reality will dislodge them.
  6. J

    Big Brother and the gas tax

    On second thought you pay the tax at the pump then get a rebate for using it. Properly designed so it doesn't log anything when the car is off, you can fully disable it and just pay the full tax rate when you don't want tracked, and open source(best) or 3rd party privacy advocates can fully...
  7. J

    Big Brother and the gas tax

    At least with a cell phone you can turn off gps and put it in airplane mode when you don't want tracked. Disabling this looks like it could get you charged with tax evasion.
  8. J

    how old are you?

    34 year old car dweller here. I've spent approximately 8 months on the road split between boondocking, city camping, and touring. I love car dwelling, I find it a highly mobile and flexible way to live. However someday I'd like to add a van or small RV that offers head room and the ability to...
  9. J

    Polygamy and polyandry and other mixes

    I had the terms polygamy and polygyny conflated in my head, but otherwise Seraphim has left me with nothing to to add, well said.
  10. J

    Part time income, 15 minutes a week. I saved this article a while back that points to the potential in "trash".
  11. J

    Polygamy and polyandry and other mixes

    There is more to polyamoury than polygamy.
  12. J

    Polygamy and polyandry and other mixes

    For you, for most people. But for some it's one too many, for others it leaves loved ones outside the legal protection of legally recognized marriage.
  13. J

    Gun rights and the federal laws.

    All of that is old news to me, just how good technology is getting at connecting dots I thought I had firewalled though... I need to step up my game if I want any control over my life.
  14. J

    Polygamy and polyandry and other mixes

    Personally I don’t think implementation would be as "simple". I think the case for it is as simple. Big difference. The list of complications you mentioned are just details that need worked out not reasons to deprive polyamourous people of equal protection under law. Pure speculation, but I...
  15. J

    Gun rights and the federal laws.

    This kind of stuff is why I stress about privacy so much. When I started on the net it was a place to get some space from the people around you. Thanks to big data it's now a way for everyone you've ever known to stalk you for the rest of your life no matter where you go or what you do.  I've...
  16. J

    Gun rights and the federal laws.

    Queen... thanks, it's easy to loose sight of the positive potential during a weekend discussion of the negative potential. In the big picture I think the most likely outcome is positive just because we have so many people trying to work together and find a way to share a planet, instead of a...
  17. J

    Gun rights and the federal laws.

    I pretty much agree, although I think an informed populace that actively considers their rights; and the tools, information, and risks necessary to secure them is vital to ensuring this remains a theoretical discussion not a battle plan. I disagree, our rights impose costs on surveillance...
  18. J

    dirty job

    I haven't done it either but here is the flyer I picked up at the big tent.
  19. J

    Gun rights and the federal laws.

    I'd like to fish back and derive "missile launchers" from small arms. Reading what it says... With or without, the original draft it is clear the intent was for the citizenry to maintain some battlefield capability against an organized military. Back then I can't think of a single weapon...
  20. J

    Gun rights and the federal laws.

    I wrote the above post then my connection conked before I could send. The direction the conversation has gone since then is interesting. My own continued thoughts on my own post is that we are getting bogged down in fighting over the rights and weapons of the past century while blindly...