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  1. XFILE36

    Solar Car

    lol, I want one!
  2. XFILE36

    And So It Begins ... Again ...

    Since I never used butane or propane I had nothing to compare it to.  It did boil water fast, so how much more time does it take using propane?  I understand about selling your last toy.  I have to sell my low miles beemer.  I love it, but can't drive two cars and be stealth.  No, I don't know...
  3. XFILE36

    And So It Begins ... Again ...

    Nice work! I was wondering about the butane. I recently bought one and it says to use outdoors. I could really smell it on my balcony. The ignition didn't work and I returned it. Don't you get a smell from the gasses? I'm going to buy a duel fuel, propane/butane. What don't you like about...
  4. XFILE36

    No refrigeration?

    freeze dried veggies don't have any salt
  5. XFILE36

    Tetanus Booster Shot

    TX2, TY. It wasn't just some "accident". You're comparing apples to oranges. It was pure negligence and they KNEW the monkey cancer cells were in the polio vaccines, but they CHOSE not to inform the public. What they did was purely criminal and they deserve jail time or more. I know, I was...
  6. XFILE36

    Tetanus Booster Shot

    Let's start with this whistle-blower documentary made by Dr. Len Horowitz: Watch it right away or upload it to keep and watch offline, because they are taking it down on Youtube for "copyright" reasons...
  7. XFILE36

    Tetanus Booster Shot

    Don't even start with me.  My 4 year old sister was murdered by taking the polio vaccine which has been PROVEN to be contaminated with monkey cancer cells.  She got leukemia from it.   I will post two MUST WATCH documentaries when I locate the correct ones.
  8. XFILE36

    Tetanus Booster Shot

    lenny flank, Wow.  No need to berate and call people names because they have a different opinion.  Now I can say you are foolish.  I take no vaccines and few medicines.  Some medicines, and notice I said medicines, not vaccines, are necessary.  Keep your monkey puss and aborted human fetal...
  9. XFILE36

    Tetanus Booster Shot

    DON'T GET IT!  This isn't a shot it's a vaccine.  You don't need it.  A few years back I cut my hand on a rusty shopping cart.  I looked around for a "shot", but these vaccines are combined with several "other" vaccines.  I finally called my allergist who told me I didn't need it, that nobody...
  10. XFILE36

    Salvage title - any advice?

    Tell me about it. I passed on it. Thanks.
  11. XFILE36

    Snake Bites

    And I will add one more thing, watch where you squat!
  12. XFILE36

    Snake Bites

    That reminds me of a line from a movie..I think it's MEET THE THE FOCKERS.  Re: conserving water to flush the toilet, "...if it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown, flush it down", LOL  Kind of the same thing.
  13. XFILE36

    Salvage title - any advice?

    Just found out the titles in previous owners name and was registered in I getting screwed again?? I need to hire a broker :(
  14. XFILE36

    Salvage title - any advice?

    Yes, he's a flipper.  I'm looking at her tomorrow.  I'm pm'ing you.  Is a revived salvage something that is written on the title?  I asked my insurance company and they didn't know what the title will say if I decide to get full coverage. I would have to ask the DMV.  So will they actually use...
  15. XFILE36

    Anyone here that can help me A.S.A.P. choose a good van?

    Right!  Good thinking.  TY
  16. XFILE36

    Snake Bites

    Interesting.  I want to add something.  I was looking for a rattle on the baby, but didn't really see one.  That's because babies are born venomous, but cannot rattle and are often more aggressive than the adults.  They have to shed their skin to form the rattle and each shedding forms a new...
  17. XFILE36

    Salvage title - any advice?

    The salvage was done in 2000.  He bought it a month ago.  I don't think I got a pm from you but I will check again. how long ago did u send it?
  18. XFILE36

    Salvage title - any advice?

    What state is that?  Mine's going to be about $100/mo.  My BMW is about 1/3 of that. Is that the only policy you have or do you have multiple cars?  She said I would need a letter from a licensed mechanic stating it's been restored, then have a DMV inspection to get a I guess restored title(?)...
  19. XFILE36

    Salvage title - any advice?

    Vin:  has been identified as a vehicle listed in the VINCheckSM Salvage Records. Date of loss: 2000-03-02 Cause of loss: Collision He just told me the rear door won't open so he is guessing it was rear-ended.  The salvage title was in 2000.  I got that from the free website for vins to see if...
  20. XFILE36

    Salvage title - any advice?

    Scratch that. It will cost $1270.75 for liability only, if I get rid of my BMW, which I plan on doing. It's cheaper if I keep the car, but I'm selling it. Does anyone know if the 4 no tax states are easy to register a salvage titled van? EDITED: He said the rear door doesn't open, so...