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  1. gramakittycat

    Theadyn's van and trip log

    Love my minivan '03 ford windstar.Just the right size for me and my 4 kittys.Since you have some time have you thought about trading your two vehicles for something you like better? I was very fortunate mine was at 139000 miles and I was the 3rd owner.Had all the maintenece records and the...
  2. gramakittycat

    Dog Theft!

    I am a huge advocate of having your pets microchipped ;but be sure your contact info is kept up to date. Sadly it is a much more horrible story here in New Mexico.Dogs,puppies cats and kittens are stolen from fenced yards,Craigs list ads and such.The breed doesn't matter as they are used in the...
  3. gramakittycat

    gas prices

    $2.44 to $2.76 for regular here so I use the gas buddy app to find the best price since a few blocks can be a huge price difference even with the same companies. Don't know why that is though.
  4. gramakittycat

    National parks and NF

    Mockturtle you put it better than I did; the disability is the same as for the 62 and older .No age limit you just have to provide a copy of your SSDI or SSI award letter that you get when first approved for disability.There are some states that also accept the ATB pass for reduced fees.
  5. gramakittycat

    National parks and NF

    If you are on disability you are also eligible for the pass.
  6. gramakittycat

    Part time income, 15 minutes a week.

    I often look in dumpsters when throwing trash but more often than not the good stuff is placed outside of the dumpsters.That is where I got my thermo cool ice chest and a Lazyboy sectional recliner sofa for my daughters apt. Of course commonsense to spray it well all over before bringing it into...
  7. gramakittycat

    Dumpster Diving and "Bucket" waste disposal

    Sorry but dumpsters are not something I would consider in any way to be "sanitary".While I would never dispose in a residential trash bin I have no problem throwing away a double bagged,kitty littered refuse in a commercial dumpster. Folks with dogs have bags and throw away in park trash cans.I...
  8. gramakittycat

    What about medications?

    Ok I will tell you I was on Lantus several years back and when I got up to 120 units a day (Lantus is usually considered a once a day insulin) and my blood sugars went to 300 + I quit and went to regular and nph insulins>These are the most common insulins used. I too am an RN(retired) trained in...
  9. gramakittycat

    Hello from NM.

    Ha Ha CR!!    Thought I was the only one who knew it as the Land of Entrapment LOL :)
  10. gramakittycat

    Hello from NM.

    Albuquerque here.Home base for me and I'm able to escape to the road when I need because all my kids and grands are here. Welcome!
  11. gramakittycat

    What about medications?

    As a type 2 diabetic I use 2 types of insulin Regular and NPH .I can purchase vials of Walmart Relion brand at Walmart for $24.88 each.No prescription needed. When I travel I have a small size 3 day cooler that actually has some ice still left at the end of the 3rd day. Walmart and some other...
  12. gramakittycat

    Brutal Heat Wave coming

    Over 100 the past 2 days here in New Mexico
  13. gramakittycat

    You can't make this stuff up . . .

    OMG They DO walk among us!!! :-/ :-/
  14. gramakittycat

    Rainy Day funds and the Credit card

    For me a debit card works just as well as a credit card.I can purchase off the internet and rent a car etc. I am also covered should any unauthorized purchase come up.I don't have to worry about interest rates or going over a limit.Works for me.
  15. gramakittycat

    Other People's problems

    While there are many vaild statements in the prior posts one thing is so obviously missing that no one has mentioned,mental illness.There is often an underlying mental disorder that goes right along with the behaviors mentioned above.Let law enforcement handle him because it seems he is...
  16. gramakittycat

    Insurance Hades

    My rentors insurance policy covers items in my minivan( or any other vehicle I may have also) and covers my off site storage unit.Oh and my apt contents. :)
  17. gramakittycat

    Another Walmart RV Shooting, Salem Oregon

    Unfortunately there are already Walmarts that forbid overnight parking. :s
  18. gramakittycat

    Another Walmart RV Shooting, Salem Oregon

    Oh I don't like this at all :(
  19. gramakittycat

    Dog sitter wanted

    Keep those menfolk in line there Suanne !!!! :P