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  1. K

    Intro and feeling discouraged

    Wow thanks for all the responses! Although I would rather not file for bankruptcy, seeing as it's an intimidating term that I know very little about, and I don't know all the complex details of taking out of retirement, I will be talking with a financial adviser. I had planned to anyway but now...
  2. K

    Intro and feeling discouraged

    No not at all! I appreciate your advice believe me! I have a lot to think about and I have been feeling desperate lately so that's why I thought of the retirement funds I have. I'm glad you told me what you did because even through researching I found it mind boggling. There's so much info yet...
  3. K

    Intro and feeling discouraged

     Thank you for the detailed post! I especially like what you said about living in a van, even if it's just in my head. I actually read this right after you posted and immediately made up a list of things I could get rid of/go without. That got me pumped up to try and "practice" for living on the...
  4. K

    Intro and feeling discouraged

    I live in central WI, near Wausau. Yes cold (and the heat in the summer too) is definitely an issue I have to think about. I'd love to sell/trade in my car and get a van but the temperature part would definitely have to be taken care of. Especially with the cats...As for trading in or selling...
  5. K

    Intro and feeling discouraged

    Thank you everyone! I really appreciate your feedback! I agree, I probably should spend some time writing down my goals and concentrating on the most important things first. It's just so easy to get overwhelmed with all the steps. I thought I had it all figured out, but I see I didn't...Your...
  6. K

    Intro and feeling discouraged

    Hi everyone! I'm Kelly, 28 years old and live in WI. I have been wanting to be a full time RVer for a year now, and I'm getting discouraged. I hate for this to be in my very first post on the forum, but I am hoping some of you will have some advice or maybe you are going through something...