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    Tag-along showers

    I see, maybe I should rethink the Coleman. I was hoping to explain beforehand that this is for marine type showers but on second thought chances are good I'll only be talking to myself. Which instant on unit did you go with or plan to?
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    Tag-along showers

    I know in this forum it may not be complicated but in my world it is, if I expect any companionship on any weekend fishing or camping trips I had better have a place thats private, warm and in some cases a place to apply makeup (Yes, I'm rollin my eyes as most here are as well). I have revisited...
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    Taking a Semi-tractor sleeper box and turning it into a trailer

    Yes they still have a "holy cow" pricetag, so imo one is better off getting a trashed mobile home that has already been deemed safe for highway use by the Dept of Transportation and rehabing it.
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    Taking a Semi-tractor sleeper box and turning it into a trailer

    No it could come loose or what have you with or without insurance but at least he wont be facing probable criminal negligence charges with it being properly registered with insurance. Its jimmy-rigged contraptions suchas this that will kill enough people to make the government regulate this...
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    Taking a Semi-tractor sleeper box and turning it into a trailer

    Hmm wow, no matter how well one secures cargo things can go wrong or one can be involved in a pile up caused by someone else. I see people are ok with the consequences of not registering things properly or having insurance. Just dont go up the road and accidently kill a family on vacation.
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    Roof racks
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    Intro and feeling discouraged

    Welcome...If your drivers license is clean you could train to get a class A CDL to drive the big trucks. Travel, get paid and learn the rules of the road. Its not as glamorous as a recruiter will make it seem but its a start. Some companies will train you for free but you'll get the crap loads...
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    Taking a Semi-tractor sleeper box and turning it into a trailer

    On second thought, to narrow the search its between Waco and Dallas.
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    Taking a Semi-tractor sleeper box and turning it into a trailer

    Well a place in Texas has some all disassembled and ready to go. Its on the east side of I-35 between Austin and Dallas, has a big rig mounted on a pole. I'm sure you will get an insurance quote for it before investing your money.
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    Taking a Semi-tractor sleeper box and turning it into a trailer

    I think it would work but difficult to get insurance.
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    Tag-along showers

    Nothing in specific just making sure its durable and works as well as some say on youtube. Thanks
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    Roof racks

    I found a double aluminum lock down ladder rack for $60 at a junkyard. Its in perfectly good shape but the clips (please excuse me if thats not the proper name) that attach them to the van were missing. I have checked websites suchas AV, KM even Adrian Steel but cant find any. They resemble the...
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    Tag-along showers

    Thanks guys. I did a bit of research and was thinking of something along the lines of those Coleman hot water propane shower with a lower profile trailer that is a bit less expensive as most cargo trailers but also more discreet I prefer not to seem as if I'm hauling a port-a-potty. Often people...
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    The Nifty 250 is about to hit the road!

    Yes nice van, I wondering what type of roof vent did you go with I need one?.
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    Tag-along showers

    I see a lot of teardrop campers haul around for sleeping but I'd rather sleep standing up in a shower if I had to chose between the two
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    Tag-along showers

    Well truckstops/travelcenter showers are up to $13 now and I'm sure they will be only going higher. I stay in cities for the the most part so I cant hang solar bags and shower as well outback campers can. I was thinking of mounting a 3x3 plastic shower pan, 30-40 gal tank with propane heated...
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    Tag-along showers

    No, I was hopin to look over the shoulder of someone who has one for ideas
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    Tag-along showers

    I admit I have not read every messge of every thread regarding showers so please excuse me if this has been covered and I missed it. Has anyone designed/built a mobile tag-along showering system mounted on small trailer suchas the little red ones harbor freight sells?
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    My intro and a few questions on safety and security

    Djkeev, I agree that most people are good but this man suffed injuries that doctors perdict he has possibly only a year to live. if someone could have warned or made him aware of this trend I'm sure he may have made different choices that evening. He lived in a home with his wife so it had...
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    My intro and a few questions on safety and security

    Again I have no advise for anyone but if a stranger ask if I have change for $5, $10, etc. I don't check, reach for a pocket, etc. Chances are they are just checking to see how much cash I may have and where its located on my person before attempting to rob me. So my answer is always an...