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  1. KalaniStorm

    RTR Seminar Schedule 2016

    Hey Bob, I wanted to also let you know/remind you I will be doing haircuts again this year. I will do two separate days as I usually do, one a week but will have to wait for it to be a little closer to pick the days due to weather; rain, wind, etc. I just wanted to remind you. Looking forward to...
  2. KalaniStorm

    Not new, but it's been a while!

    Hey there everyone! I just wanted to reintroduce myself/ourselves. It's been a few years since I've logged in and thought I should probably be logging in every now and today is that day! We (my husband, myself, and our two small furbabies) live in a beefed up 1995 Chevy Astro van...
  3. KalaniStorm

    New Mexico Park Pass????

    Hey everyone! We have heard about a pass in New runs around $250 for the entire year. Now, I can't remember what it's for. Does anyone know if it is for just day use parking and-or camping. If you buy the pass, what parks will it get you into? National Parks, State Parks, all of them...
  4. KalaniStorm

    Victorville...Always this windy?

    Hello to everyone! Yeah the wind is whipping again today, I guess we picked a not so great time to be here...this morning the chill is enough to make me get back in bed...but we already rolled it up! ha Hoping the wind will stop enough for me to be able to get some guitar time in...think good...
  5. KalaniStorm

    Victorville...Always this windy?

    haha Yeah Don, the wallet was malfunctioning there! Came to get some work done but always just 100 miles from the coast!
  6. KalaniStorm

    new guy on the block

    Welcome! This is the perfect place to start<br>Oh and you can come help us build more cabinets anytime!! haha<br>Safe building...and travels!
  7. KalaniStorm


    Welcome Roy! I think if we can do it 2 full size humans and a miniature dog in an Astro, anyone can do it! Have fun with it. Safe travels!
  8. KalaniStorm

    just saying hello....

    Wow, looks like an awesome home! You could throw a party in there! haha It really does look very cozy and nice to be able to spread out and have some room. Congrats and safe travels!
  9. KalaniStorm

    Where You Be?

    TwoKnives Katie! Where do you think you'll be heading? Did you ever get something to strum? We're in Victorville now. It's nice but the winds sure do pick up around 2-3 and just keep going into the dark...gotta get my outside time early! Let me know, maybe we can meet up and play some songs...
  10. KalaniStorm

    <span style="font-size: x-large; font-family: georgia, palatino;">Come enjoy a little adventure...even if it is can be yours one day too, but you'll have to get your own van, we only have so much room in Joon! haha Maybe we've even met some of you other adventurers out there, if not...
  11. KalaniStorm

    Victorville...Always this windy?

    How many of you out there have stayed in Victorville? We like the solitude of where we are and have a great place by this fantastic Joshua Tree but my goodness the winds that pick up around here around 2-3p.m. and on are madness! It's like a storm is about to start any minute... although none...
  12. KalaniStorm

    RTR (Rubber Tramp Rendezvous) Who? What? Where? When? Why?

    These are at the 10 a.m. meeting for introduction into the camp and each other on the 9th!
  13. KalaniStorm

    RTR (Rubber Tramp Rendezvous) Who? What? Where? When? Why?

    Can I post pictures of a couple of days ago here?
  14. KalaniStorm

    Unlimited data???

    Okay for anyone looking into this for themselves... while I was researching this, the hubs was also doing his own footwork and found something called a VPS, Virtual Private Server. It's only about $30 a month and it's unlimited data. I guess what it does is, it runs all of your major functions...
  15. KalaniStorm

    Unlimited data???

    Okay so here's the big question of the do you live in your van and get unlimited data for the internet? I have been searching high and low on this and am still coming up without a solution. We do have Verizon, a smartphone (not 4g) and a mifi (the new one with 10gb). We work from the...
  16. KalaniStorm

    Ladies, have you gone crazy, yet?

    Jonnygutz~ that is actually one of the things I have brought with me, my acoustic guitar....that I don't know how to play! haha I will learn though, just have to get around to that motivation thing. It's quite hard to teach yourself something so me at least. BUT I have faith in...
  17. KalaniStorm

    New Breakfast Ideas??

    Bryce~ What are chia seeds? and where do you buy them?
  18. KalaniStorm

    New Breakfast Ideas??

    I'm sitting here in awe right now twoknives, you have NO clue how good that pizza and those rolls look right now. I showed my husband and he's looking online right now. Do you think we could just get one of those toppers instead of the whole thing? We have a Coleman grillstove that runs off of...
  19. KalaniStorm

    New Breakfast Ideas??

    y-wave~ that does look super yummy although I'm not sure how I would bake it. We don't have an oven. We are full timers in our Chevy Astro with only a grill top (propane). I am now looking into bars that you don't have to bake due to this recipe, it looked super yummy. Seems like we are going to...
  20. KalaniStorm

    New Breakfast Ideas??

    <span style="color: #0000ff;"><em><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>Y-wave</strong></span></em></span>~ we're here and Ready when you wanna cook! Thanks<br /><span style="text-decoration: underline; color: #ff6600;"><em><strong>Starman</strong></em></span>~ I add brown sugar and...