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  1. M

    Fans, Vents, and CFMs

    Are you talking specifically about catalytic heaters like mr buddy or the olympian wave? What about burning a propane stove? I'd actually be fine with the heat. I thought the fans were necessary for exchanging CO/CO2 with fresh air. Looking good!
  2. M

    Planning Thread

    No problem. You also have to ventilate with a propane stove inside.
  3. M

    Fans, Vents, and CFMs

    Thank you much SternWake, that was exactly the info I needed. I'll have to give it a shot to see what works best. I've seen some ideas online for quieting fans by putting them in boxes with foam.
  4. M

    Fans, Vents, and CFMs

    I'm kicking around ideas of different ways to vent a van. This will be a normal sized van, so about 200 cubic feet. It will be used in all climates in the US. I'd be using these vents to cool the van when stationary and to clear out exhaust from propane heating. How many CFMs are needed total...
  5. M

    Planning Thread

    Edit: Disregard this post.
  6. M

    Planning Thread

    The coleman I have is one of those tippy burners. I'm pricing out sheets of stainless steel at a local supplier. I'd like to buy a sheet and cut holes for a sink and burner. If you let one of those burners sit recessed into the counter top, it won't tip.
  7. M

    Planning Thread

    I just gained about 3 months of research from your picture and description alone. Thanks a ton!
  8. M

    Planning Thread

    I actually read on here it's a good way to heat since it all burns off. And people use this to diffuse heat: But yeah, it would be good for other people to chime in.
  9. M

    Planning Thread

    I've run a hobo stove on alcohol whenever I do long distance hikes, so I can appreciate a good alcohol stove. I'll be doing propane for convenience.  Based on everyone's feedback, I'll be running a bed lengthwise, rather than across the back. Has anyone piped vents from the floor rather than...
  10. M

    Planning Thread

    I think if you recessed the burner in a hole, it wouldn't really tip. And the hole could double as a spot for a dish pan sink in limited space. I saw the 3 part youtube video. I really like the olympic wave 3 but may just use my burner for heat. Yeah, I actually considered van living a year...
  11. M

    Planning Thread

    I have one of these coleman single burner stoves: If I were to buy a sheet of stainless steel, cut a hole in the middle, and drop the burner in, would that work? If the sheet of stainless were sitting on a small wood cabinet, would...
  12. M

    Planning Thread

    I've been going through all the construction threads. The only example I've seen so far is in the third pic from the right at the top of the forum page. It just seems like a significant amount of space that can be utilized better.
  13. M

    Planning Thread

    Ok, next question: While planning a layout, I've been looking at the side entrance as lost space. Is anyone utilizing this space in a novel way? And if you are using this space, is your side door locked down/welded shut? I'd imagine that side well would be a good place to drain water.
  14. M

    Planning Thread

    Exactly the feedback I was looking for. I didn't even consider sleeping on the diagonal. I was hoping that by running the mattress across the back, I could fit everything in a normal sized (not extended) van. I definitely won't be skimping on a bed and will probably get a pillowtop mattress...
  15. M

    Planning Thread

    I have a feeling I'll have to end up going lengthwise. If I do, an extended will almost be a requirement. I'd like to incorporate a small counter that includes a cooking burner and small sink. I think this could be done well with the bed running along the drivers side with the counter between...
  16. M

    Planning Thread

    I'm in the planning phase of switching to van dwelling. I have a lot of questions I'll be posting in this thread. Here's my first question: I like the layout of having a bed across the back of a van. Most van measurements I see at around 70 inches wide. I'm 5'8", so 68" tall. Are the...