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  1. Z

    Another desert dweller here

    I have explored the possibility of RV repair since my work history and business background meshes with RV upkeep. The challenge is surviving until winter, keeping a vehicle and getting to the spots where RVers congregate. I have a work background in HVAC, sheet metal fabrication and customer...
  2. Z

    Another desert dweller here

    What an education!<br>Since beginning this exploration of RV living I've gone through the full spectrum of soaring hope and excitement to crushing hopelessness and despair. <br>It appears that the majority of RV and van dwellers have a guaranteed income from a variety sources. The few that don't...
  3. Z

    70s era RVs - opinions, experience, advice?

    Excellent summary! Gives us wanna be newbies some good thinking points.<br>Our plans are to find an RV that has spent its life in the warm so we can stay in the warm also.&nbsp; We don't have any plans on wintering in the cold if we can help it.<br>Thank you for the eye opening information...
  4. Z

    70s era RVs - opinions, experience, advice?

    CL is abbreviation for CraigsList.<br>I've had some luck looking at abandoned units. The title process is slow, but worth it if the right unit comes along.
  5. Z

    70s era RVs - opinions, experience, advice?

    Is there a decent selection of 70s and 80s era RVs in Quartzite?<br>I searched on CL and haven't found much at all.<br><br>
  6. Z

    70s era RVs - opinions, experience, advice?

    Thanks for the tip vonu, I was about to get a 79 Midas but the seller wasn't at all honest about any of the rig's issues.<br>I've since looked at a half dozen in the Tucson area in the less than $3000 range and several in SoCal online. I was surprised by the number of RVs in SoCal that are...
  7. Z

    Motorcycle with Camper trailer?

    Here's few, the first two aren't sturdy enough for an MC, but could be beefed up. The third, the Alite looks promising:<br><br><br><br><br>
  8. Z

    Another desert dweller here

    The seller of the Midas was either&nbsp; a&nbsp; liar or woefully ignorant. He showed the nice interior and repeatedly told me how good the engine ran. When I crawled under the rig he became defensive and started pressuring me to "make up your mind" I saw a bad suspension and a melted bundle of...
  9. Z

    70s era RVs - opinions, experience, advice?

    There are <i>tons</i> of 70s Rvs here in Tucson, most are $2000 or less. The one I'm getting tomorrow is from this area and has no rust that I've found thus far in my inspections. Test drive is tomorrow so the final look-see is forthcoming.<br>If anyone is interested in an old Tucson kept RV I...
  10. Z

    Another desert dweller here

    Yes indeed. The first issue seems to be making the ship seaworthy. Deep sixing the flotsam and jetsam will follow, all the while expanding and securing mobile income and changing landlubber's habits.<br>Sorry for all the nautical terms, seafaring was in my family's background. <img...
  11. Z

    Another desert dweller here

    Warm welcome muchly appreciated.<br>The change to full time RVing is still just an option.<br>The process for us will be securing a functional RV, testing the living arrangements and then the decision and schedule to make the leap.<br>Circumstances may dictate a change or acceleration of the...
  12. Z

    Another desert dweller here

    We're about to get a 1979 Midas 2000 with 66,000 miles. Total newbie and getting ready to make the jump to RV living when the wheels come off our current city renter "lifestyle"<br>Handy with tools and all technology involved with RV systems, luckily.<br>Still reading and soaking up everyone's...
  13. Z

    Another desert dweller here
