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    Monthly Food Expenses

    Awesome thread :) I've been spending way too much on food, and now that my hours at work have been cut, I have to cut expenses. A Large part of the problem is I never had to worry much about money until now so I have no discipline. I'm also pretty lazy. I've figured that spending money on a...
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    Knee bone's connected to the thigh bone

    isolater is a device that I put on my system that connects the alternator to a battery bank inside my van so that my alternator will charge my batteries along with the solar, but not kill my van battery.
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    Knee bone's connected to the thigh bone

    I guess this is more of a vent.... a rant... sharing my misery with the world.. rather than a question or a beneficial post ::P   Our dear Trebor has helped me with my electric when I had time. Things were good.... A couple days ago, I started my van and wooooow... some weird noises.. like a...
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    I've accepted the shuffle...

    I want to get a cargo storage thingy for the front bumper.. mostly for foods come winter time. As for the roof, I have my solar up there now, and hoping to get one more panel at some point soon... so, nothing there.. but, I've seen these storage thingies that go on just one door on the back, so...
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    examples of actual solar configurations

    I'm considering adding a third panel to make 300 watts. I don't need it now.... things have been great.. but I'm considering it just in case things don't run so smoothly come winter time...
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    I've accepted the shuffle...

    LOL mostly the knife is for cutting zipties that I've put on, tightened and then changed my mind... :P
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    I've accepted the shuffle...

    LOL Next step... I realized this morning.. since I've accepted the shuffle.. is to now make it easier to shuffle... ;) I'm considering renting a garage for a weekend or so, that has electric available, and maybe rent tools to do a really efficient build.. maybe winter time... so I'll also take...
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    Make Beer, Not Walls

    uh oh... ;)
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    Unlimited AT&T $20 a month

    I called Tmobile to ask how much it would be to add a line specifically for a mobile hotspot device to my account and the cost is $20 per month for 2 Gigs. That's CRAZY low.. so I'm just gonna get a second phone and use that phone specifically for thethering.. the rep agreed.
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    I've accepted the shuffle...

    For where I live, it used to be first two cuts are free... now, it's all cuts are free...
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    I've accepted the shuffle...

    L Brackets... yes.. these things... I use SO MANY
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    I've accepted the shuffle...

    "Kreg pocket screw jig" I don't even know what this thing is... Googled it.. looks totally unfamiliar.. gonna read up on it...
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    I've accepted the shuffle...

    I got one of those folding table thingies... I really intend on using it, but my build is very inefficient and I just don't have a place to stand it up yet or easily use it. I do have a lapboard that I use as a 'table' sorta.... and an endtable that I just got... I've rebuilt two or three...
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    I think this the first time in my life....

    Just realized what I typed here.. and like.. WTF was I saying...? LOL "I didn't want to live a place I could afford when I couldn't afford it anymore.... and I feel safer VanDwelling...." Once I couldn't afford my home anymore, I didn't want to live in the neighborhoods that I could...
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    I've accepted the shuffle...

    LOL My keychain Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk
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    I've accepted the shuffle...

    I like to be a bit stealthy.. but eventually.. stealth won't be a concern.. I hope ;)
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    I think this the first time in my life....

    and that was an apartment... lol... the houses are in the thousands for renting... I mean, it's a great place.. but that's why I started dwelling.. I didn't want to live a place I could afford when I couldn't afford it anymore.... and I feel safer VanDwelling....
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    I think this the first time in my life....

    yes.. true.. I still haven't done that shunt or a meter.. which I certainly need.. plus those batteries don't last forever... and I want to get one of those swivel passenger seats... and I want a better device for hanging my suits.... So... yeah.. no... not completed the build... just...
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    I think this the first time in my life....

    that I got paid.. and all my bills were paid.. I needed nothing..... but $30 in food... maybe a little gas... so my whole check is just in the bank.    Am I now a person that doesn't have to live paycheck to paycheck......  Let's not jinx it with a breakdown...  But this is a really good...
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    I've accepted the shuffle...

    I haven't embraced it... but I've accepted it.   I'd seen all the videos on VanDwelling where the kitchen has to become the bedroom which has to become the study, etc etc.   After rebuilding twice, reorganizing multiple times... as a person who likes things in their places.... even if chaotic...