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  1. GotSmart

    How the other half does it....

    When I first started out, I was sleeping in the back of a station wagon.  Back in the 70’s.  Now we are full timers in something that our broken bodies can be comfortable in. It takes a long time to get life together to be able to have what we do. A lot of it was luck. Now all I want out of...
  2. GotSmart

    You Ain't Right Club

    Now wait just one pea picking moment. You sure enjoyed the hospitality of YARC CAMP plenty of times. Now talk nice about us pie rats or you have can’t walk the dog next year. we ain’t right, and admit it. The reason for our leaving is because the great BOB wanted us to stay on topic.
  3. GotSmart

    Nomadland Review By A Man Living In A Van

    No no no.  Fern discovers a million dollars in a field outside Fargo, and becomes the sheriff.  Darn, now I am mixing up my movies.
  4. GotSmart

    What's your favorite zombie movie/show?

    How about a Steampunk Zombie Western book?  Bodacious Creed. Look it up on Amazon. Jonathan Fesmire is releasing the second book this July, and the 3rd around Christmas. Set on the 1876 West Coast.
  5. GotSmart

    Free batteries to someone in need

    Solar Bills was charging a $50 core only on used batteries. (All used were +$50).  I hope that they find a good home.
  6. GotSmart

    Where's the thread for Queers, Quiltbag±, Trans, etc.?

    You know Jim. He is the guy who is owned by Max and runs an AC off of solar.   He is welcome in our camp anytime. Especially when he has the solar ovens going.
  7. GotSmart


    ^^^^^^^^^ D E  is the answer to your problem. Put it in the edge and corners, cracks and around food storage.
  8. GotSmart

    Where's the thread for Queers, Quiltbag±, Trans, etc.?

    Like every other place in this world, there are people who accept your life and personal situations and then there are those who use filters.  In YARC CAMP we only care about how you treat others. That is the true measure of a person.  Gay, straight, trans, even lawyers. Dog people, cat...
  9. GotSmart

    You Ain't Right Club

    :huh: I was accepted by a sorority once. The PKD has never been the same. I was more than twice the age of everyone with the exception of the professor. He was 75.   That group helped restore my faith in the new generation. We had national competitions to out talk the other nerds. It...
  10. GotSmart

    You Ain't Right Club

    We might just have a keeper here. Time to start making badges again.  Maki,  I hate to be the one to tell you, but the whole time the badge making kit was right under the kitchen table. Next to my rocks. Hidden in plain sight.
  11. GotSmart

    You Ain't Right Club

    I was bothered because you guys admire someone that pisses on his dinnerware? I hate to tell you, but unlike a major political party I have a cringe point. Some things are funny, and some are just plain gross. I don’t want to know where you store the clean plates. (How can you tell?)  Just one...
  12. GotSmart

    I've been visited by the police twice in three days...

    All “they” want is a nice pleasant safe shift so they can go home.  An arrest means paperwork and the related fallout.  If they don’t check you out and you happen to go on and cause problems, it is their neck.
  13. GotSmart

    off road etiquette

    In a certain camp, in a place that shall not be disclosed, there was a sign posted.  Slow down. Grumpy old men. We throw rocks.  It kind of worked.
  14. GotSmart

    500 Watt Solar for small Van

    there are factors that you don’t even consider. A panel over a roof provides shade. That is a good thing. Ask anyone that has been there.   Wind pressure off the bottom???????  Try extra weight and creating a huge sail to catch the wind off the trucks. Plywood is not a good option.  somewhere I...
  15. GotSmart

    Passenger or cargo

    To window or not to window.   Passenger tends to have more creature comforts. Cargo tend to be stripped down version.  Look at both with the thought of how you will make it live able.
  16. GotSmart

    500 Watt Solar for small Van

    Plywood is not the way to go. Mount to metal.  There is such a thing as too much solar. For 600w of solar I would suggest a much larger vehicle to run all the things that you will be able to power.  Us. Have you figured out how much battery and where they will go? I had 200 w of solar and 400...
  17. GotSmart

    getting together around Q

    You have my phone number. Let me know when you are coming through.
  18. GotSmart

    I'm feeling so yesterday

    Well Mike, welcome to the club.  After stroke recovery is a matter of self determination. Still there.  I remember you helping me get my 318 back together in Ehrenberg. It still is frustrating knowing that the knowledge and skill was there, but a brain fart moved the pathways away from where...
  19. GotSmart

    YARC camp

    Well we have a winner. Give the kid a Kewpie doll.  Welcome to the wonderful world of the internet.  The new kid in town has his phone with a google search. He is in the Desert Patrol so he googled terms that have to do with the job. Sets alerts for certain criteria and Joe is your uncle. ...
  20. GotSmart

    YARC camp

    Personally I think that the squeaky wheel needs greasing.  But that ain’t allowed in this country.