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  1. GotSmart

    Here I Sit, Broken Hearted...

    I am bringing up this old thread because of someone in need of help is getting slammed. When I started out I spent three weeks trying to sell off my supplies to raise the $120 needed to fill my fuel tank. I was stranded in Pueblo Colorado. I did not go to any charities or churches. I waited for...
  2. GotSmart

    Rumors About Ehrenberg

    If you have a clean camp off of the main roads, then there will be no problems.  It is funny listening to snowbirds talk about “the rubber people.”
  3. GotSmart

    Screw it

    Rules. I am camped in a spot where it might be California or it might be Arizona. Either way this camp is clean and so are the rigs. We have few rules here. Respect your neighbor and offer help if they have a need. Drive through the camp slower than a dog can trot.  Enjoy that sunrise and...
  4. GotSmart

    Newbie from Memphis TN

    Before you hit the road~~~ get one more order of baby back ribs from the Peg Leg Porker. I have only found one place in Missouri that can do as good. Big Daddy’s in Columbia is only open during the warm months.  Welcome to the road.
  5. GotSmart

    Were is bob

    Look on YouTube
  6. GotSmart

    Corporate campground takeovers? Master plan??

    There is one corporation in your neck of the woods that is investing in campgrounds. Property always has been a safer investment. Other than that absence of proof makes information suspect.
  7. GotSmart

    High-Performance Tuner Chip & Power Tuning Programmer -Boost Horsepower & Torque!

    I wish I had known. I can use some explaining about the one on our E450.
  8. GotSmart

    Any ideas on how to remove seat bases?

    Every time I see PB Blaster my mind inserts peanut butter.  :huh:  How can that work?   Penetrating Blaster, made by the B’laster corporation is a great product and is the most effective one out there.
  9. GotSmart

    Any ideas on how to remove seat bases?

    There seem to be torx heads in the one picture. I bet there are bolts underneath.
  10. GotSmart

    Any ideas on how to remove seat bases?

    Google it. It took me 1 second to find the manufacturer. Call them Tuesday or do a search. I would look under for bolt heads myself.
  11. GotSmart

    New solar panels!

    How old is this information?   2015 is the date I found.  Still in the research stage, so until it is marketed don’t plan a build around it.
  12. GotSmart

    Smelly Sink?

    In an RV those vibrate dry unless you make sure to add water regularly while traveling ymmv.
  13. GotSmart

    Which is safer and more convenient?

    Over the past couple months there were a lot of generators going around here in the LTVA. The gas Honda units had the least noise and the happiest owners. The reliability of this brand and the light weight is hard to beat.  It would be interesting to see what the end result of this thread will...
  14. GotSmart

    Van life with kids and wife at home. Possible?

    Having raised kids, a top education was my first priority. Health care, activities, live ability, clean air and water, and so on.  Columbia Missouri is extremely high on the lists.  Today I am in lake Havasu with the temperature is currently 56 at 10 am on feb 11.   :D  I can see boaters and...
  15. GotSmart

    Van life with kids and wife at home. Possible?

    Missouri. Try the Columbia area. Lower prices and top education. A+ schools. Many new higher paying jobs.
  16. GotSmart

    Troubleshooting - Hard starting when hot

    Post #18 shows the position in the diagram. On the top of the motor.  The sensor being a part of a electronic system, alters the fuel feed according to the message received. Therefore what it does depends on what the electronically programmed doohickey that is not working properly tells it.
  17. GotSmart

    Popup at the RTR?

    It is already thinning out. You can actually throw rocks in the desert again without hitting campers. The giant RV lots are emptying out. Tents are vanishing overnight. Great deals can be found everywhere. It is up in the 80’s during the day.
  18. GotSmart

    News, Many older Americans are living a desperate, nomadic life

    My nephew has out a real page turner. A Steampunk Zombie Western with the title BODACIOUS CREED.  His is an admitted work of fiction, while this is an opinion piece that is not as honest as to the actual realities of the personal situation.  How much money is enough to have to be satisfied...
  19. GotSmart

    News, Many older Americans are living a desperate, nomadic life

    I really have a problem with the clickbait title.  How many is “MANY? At whate age is someone considered “OLDER? What exactly is meant by the word “DESPERATE? IMHO,  there is someone doing some exploitation here.
  20. GotSmart

    Slab City Dangers

    Once you become old and ugly, I think that rule relaxes.