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Van Living Forum

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If this forum valued only those who could pay for membership, they would structure it that way.
This forum was purchased from Bob. Once it happened, I had many messages asking for membership fees and or donations. There were a lot of ads and whatnot. It has toned down over time.

That of course was an attempt to recoup the initial investment, and create cash flow and income generated by the site. So it was a natural progression going from someone that didn't really start this trying to generate income to someone that bought it with monetization in mind.
The more clicks and page engagement on a site, the more revenue it can generate via ads.

This isn't off topic. When the site changed hands, it seemed (to me) they were trying to attract higher end van life types while retaining the legacy members for good information and content. In the process they did lose a lot of contributing members. I feel like buying the site didn't quite work out the way it could have, but they are making a go of it.

For a long while I was extremely active trying to post on just about any thread to keep them active until other members could chime in. I felt like if I could help keep engagement, the numbers might work for the site. I have not paid anything to the site. But I have contributed towards is continued existence in the best way I could.

While traffic on the entire site is down, and engagement is somewhat low, this new section of the site gets more action and engagement than the rest of the site combined. Which can increase their revenue generating options, or raise the value of the site itself.

This section could be better, sure. But this section is also helping this site survive. It's one section. Keep the old rules for the original sections. Let loose in this section. They are two different animals living under the same roof.
@vanbrat don't forget the chat room Tues, Fri, Sat evening (Wed for the day folks). We don't talk politics in there. Too much of already in every where else.

Everyone just needs to calm down I think. Everything has a way of working itself out at the end. This is the result of being a melting pot of a nation. Instead of other countries.
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I feel same way VB. I don’t come here much because of it. I think we should go back to the way ol Bob had it. No politics allowed.
I'd be fine with this. And I say this being well-aware that I am prone to jumping into political discussions which irritate and annoy me. At the very least I hope the admins are more strict with keeping politics and general rude/discourteous behavior out of most of the forum.
Well, yeah the “ Admin” is really the cause due to many inconsistencies; rather than a leadership role there has been much inconsistent Reactionism.

For example; this very thread - it’s been nothing but controversy & politics - should have been moved to the Controversy forum almost from the git go.

Another example This thread:
Again; topik is nothing but inferred politix based & controversial and again not moved to the Controversy/Politix corral

I could add more but hey I’m a guest here and they can run their place howevah.

Very inconsistent “Reactionism or Non Reactionism tho by the Admin and definitely not A+ “Leadership”……… sayin. Just my biased opinion and I’m not advocating they change anything. I’ll dance around any of their imo inconsistency as I’ve been doing it since I joined years back when it was under previous Tsar. 😎

It’s their site - just cause I think something could be done better? doesn’t really matter to me. I could’ve just started my own site like many do but I don’t care to be bothered with IT logistix as I’m too busy livin the dream. I did enuff IT data logistix running my engineering business.

And the Moms do a gudenuff job for me. Again inconsistencies are irrelevant really on a site like this. In the overall scheme of Life; any “problem's” are Definitely First World first order.

Posts are just Written WORDS! and they can’t make you feel anything. If one believes otherwise; they should talk about it with their therapist and then call their Dr and maybe have he, she, it double their frikkin dose. 🤪🙃🤙😎

As I See It
Posts are just Written WORDS! and they can’t make you feel anything. If one believes otherwise; they should talk about it with their therapist and then call their Dr and maybe have he, she, it double their frikkin dose. 🤪🙃🤙😎
I'm still busy looking for the feelings my ex said I don't have.

Jk, she loves me
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Posts are just Written WORDS! and they can’t make you feel anything. If one believes otherwise; they should talk about it with their therapist and then call their Dr and maybe have he, she, it double their frikkin dose. 🤪🙃🤙😎
Now Johnny... you know that most people are just wind up dolls with zero control over the thoughts that get stuck rattling around in their heads, that they believe are "real"... and the random emotions that result from that.

There ain't no pill for it... a doc will just give you something to numb out, which is part way down the road of being a corpse.

On second thought, maybe a hero dose of LSD would work? Not gonna get that from your doc though.
O wad some Power the giftie gie us
To see oursels as ithers see us!
It wad frae mony a blunder free us
I quit caring "how others see me" when I was a kid. This followed shortly after realizing that people are insane. It was not blunder inducing... rather the opposite.
Well, yeah the “ Admin” is really the cause due to many inconsistencies; rather than a leadership role there has been much inconsistent Reactionism.

For example; this very thread - it’s been nothing but controversy & politics - should have been moved to the Controversy forum almost from the git go.

Admins and mods are here to react...that's what we do. Other than observing the forum rules as best we personally can and should, we don't expect people on this forum to follow our leads in conversations or topics. If so, I might steer the topics to motorcycles, or ham radio, or hot air ballooning, or fly-fishing, or outdoor cooking, or lawn maintenance, or wheelbarrow repair...the point is, YOU guys and gals get to steer the forum thru the maze of topics of interest, it's not MY sounding board. That would be self-absorbed and short-sighted to try to 'lead' the forum in the direction I want it to go.

As far as moving the thread into the pol-con forum...well...suppose the OP has or will take the steps I posted earlier...then that would mean that the OP would not be able to access their own thread (that had disappeared from view) and they might have to re-subscribe to one or more of the pol-con threads...which they obviously should not be forced to do with this thread still being active. It's a common courtesy thing.

Once again I remind readers that for every action the mods take or don't take, somebody will not be happy about it. We get used to that after awhile.

We have members here who make it known that mods should stay out of all the conversations, and leave everyone alone, but then we have other members that prefer the mods take the actions that they suggest we do and that will fix everything.

So, it's a balancing act. And it's never gonna be 100% perfect for everyone.
Admins and mods are here to react...that's what we do. Other than observing the forum rules as best we personally can and should, we don't expect people on this forum to follow our leads in conversations or topics. If so, I might steer the topics to motorcycles, or ham radio, or hot air ballooning, or fly-fishing, or outdoor cooking, or lawn maintenance, or wheelbarrow repair...the point is, YOU guys and gals get to steer the forum thru the maze of topics of interest, it's not MY sounding board. That would be self-absorbed and short-sighted to try to 'lead' the forum in the direction I want it to go.
Yes react is what you do and I can read that you have completely misunderstood my use of the word “Leadership” simply by your framing of it in simplistic terms of “follow leads in conversations or topics……steering, etc”; as if you don't want to be a “pied piper”…….

I never limited nor meant my use of the word “Leadership” in the simple way you have but I also never expounded on it. Obviously a difference of scope, depth & breadth regarding the word “Leadership” between us as my view is much deeper and metaphoric in a general nonlinear philosophical sense vs yours; a very narrow literal sense pertaining specifically to logistical items relative to this particular site function.

One of these rainy days I’ll begin to drop my philosophical bombs in the proper forum 😎 that won’t have much to do with todays current political weather or yesterdays historical applications but will most certainly pertain to Leadership - in theory; in function & in application.

As Always
Hugs & Kisses 😘
oh fer spork's sake they're moderators, not Admiral of the Southern Sea, they're not *supposed* to do leadership.

there was some inconsistency, or difference, or change, or whatever, in how the forum guidelines were being implemented, hardly unusual, happens in the best of families, it's been thrashed out, there's been a reset, the adults in the room have moved on, and I suggest the rest find something more interesting to make themselves important about.

As for the philosophical 💣/:poop: and the vocabulary lesson, I think it's been done before ...
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I never limited nor meant my use of the word “Leadership” in the simple way you have but I also never expounded on it. Obviously a difference of scope, depth & breadth regarding the word “Leadership” between us as my view is much deeper and metaphoric in a general nonlinear philosophical sense vs yours; a very narrow literal sense pertaining specifically to logistical items relative to this particular site function.

One of these rainy days I’ll begin to drop my philosophical bombs in the proper forum 😎that won’t have much to do with todays current political weather or yesterdays historical applications but will most certainly pertain to Leadership - in theory; in function & in application.

Yep. You're 100% right, because you guys and gals won't ever see me trying to lead in any philosophical way. I'm a very 'blue collar', 'nuts and bolts' kind of man: I roll up my sleeves, get dirty up to my elbows, and fix things. Or at least, try to.

As I have mentioned before, my job here is more janitorial: I try to clean up after messes are made.

I can't speak for any of the other mods and admins.
This idea does not lend itself to site survival…….

As ive written in this thread & others; the forums & threads in this site that actually pertain to Van (Vehicle) Living do not receive hardly any response. Im basically the only member who consistently contributes both Threads & Posts on relevant Van Living topix & experience.

Ive also “put some money where my thread/post is”……..

Look it folks; its obvious so many of you want this site for nuthin($) because you contribute nuthin($) and also hang out in all the Off-Topic stores at The Mall (inkluding Politx) which is also Nuthin as it relates to Van (Vehicle ) Living……

These Forums, in general, are dying from lack of both $ contributions and posts of substance. Many have already died. This one is no different. It too will fade away if there isnt some $ kikt in by those of you who b*tch, psss & moan, off topic” about your every lil bowel movement on this site but wont contribute a measly 10 bux/yr while those few of us who have a real sense of value here and prefer to build something having depth & substance need to wade in a parking lot mud puddle with 5 year olds instead of swim in the ocean……….

Free therapy is a good thing
(is this a question or a statement? I’ll leave it unpunctuated and each of you can have your own “period” at the end hmmm or exclamation)

Hugs & Kisses 😘🖕🏼
Well you’re right about the lack of participation and hopefully everyone will contribute $10 as I have as well. Maybe I will start a build thread if I ever get building on my Astro van, maybe the summer…
We value ALL of our members here.

And certainly, the members who contribute value just by adding to the conversations here, are held in equally high regard by the admins and mods...no matter the suggestions stating other wise. That's just not reality.

In fact, recently a 'supporting member' has been removed from this forum. Monetary support does not bring immunity from flaunting the rules.

We all contribute positively in ways that we can, even if all one does is log in once a week and just read thru the postings.

(that's about as 'philosophical' as I will ever be)


So yeah...thanks everyone who is still here, for spending time with us on the forum.
LOL thanks, I think I spit it up all by myself but you never know for sure with these things. Maybe there was an episode of Lake Woebegone Days? Nightmare on Golden Pond? I hereby release it into the ectoplasm for random reuse with no attribution required.