Lead in some Spices - Cinnamon

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Well-known member
May 31, 2015
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Wayne National Forest, Ohio
Most of us never think much about the seasonings in the food we consume and those of us who cook may not fare much better. But from time to time reports arise that we should head. Recently Cinnamon has been found to contain lead from some sources that originate from sources outside the USA. But there is a lot of imported Cinnamon and many foods we consume in the USA contain Cinnamon. Recently kids applesauce has been recalled. Most of this comes from Cinnamon Trees harvested indonesia, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, India, and China. Reputable importers test and inspect their imported goods before marketing them. But with the prices being so high today industries that use lots of Cinnamon (such as bakeries & canneries) may look for "cheaper" sources which could lead to sources with higher lead content. They are in business to stay in business and make money.

Cinnamon has long been held to reduce inflammation, reduce risk of heart disease, and lower blood sugar levels. Since it's wide usage owing to those benefits, those sources of Cinnamon that are higher in lead (if used/consumed) will add up in the many items in the food supply and ultimately in our bodies.

Discover - Lead-Tainted Cinnamon Products Have Turned Up on Shelves
Arcenic, Antrax & many more are found in nature. As Warren Zevon says

Life'll Kill Ya​
