Instant powered whole milk

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Well-known member
Sep 13, 2018
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Walmart is now stocking “Great Value” label instant whole milk power so I bought a bag. It can be used for cooking and in hot coffee as a natural “creamer”.

Nonfat instant milk clumps up in hot coffee so it needs to be first dissolved in cold water. Fine if you are make ng a cold coffee drink!

Because of the milk fats in the instant whole milk it clumps up when put into cold water and is best dissolved in very warm or hot water. That makes it a great alternative to those non dairy coffee creamers for us nomads who do not care for those products.
How does it taste ?

Any idea on shelf life ?
There is a whole series of "101 Things To Do With ________________" cook books. Some are now into volume 2 and 3. These are small spiral ring books.

I found this one interesting:

'Where does the "power" come from?

Is it like MuscleMilk?
It is regular milk that has been dehydrated into a dry powder. No extra additives, just add water to reconstitute it. I do not have a big 12v fridge, just a 17liter sized one. So for me it makes sense to carry dehydrated milk and add water to it. I use it for cooking, cereal, coffee, hot chocolate, in recipes, etc.
Wow haven't thought about powdered milk in a long time. When we were kids I had it every once in a while. I don't know if it was whole milk or non fat though.

For cooking it works well. For drinking it's the same but slightly different. But they might have updated the process since then lol
I carry some sometimes works in soup and gravy and sauces, but I don't like the taste just for drinking. I am not drinking milk milk much these days as it sometimes hits my asthma pretty hard.
I like Almond milk, but I don't think I have ever seen it in powdered form so.....
I do love a nice cup of hot cocoa when it is cold out.
As fall season approaches it's a nice time to have a cup of hot cocoa while sitting around the camp fire. Those pouches of cocoa from the store can be a bit pricey but here is a recipe for for making your bulk own mix using powdered milk....and it's simple.

16 oz powdered milk
1 cup sugar
3/4 cup cocoa

Store this in a tight sealing plastic container. (I've reused powdered coffee creamer containers) Shake well to mix up evenly.

To a mug of hot water you can add 3 to 6 teaspoons of this mix.

If you don't want to use sugar you can omit it and add artificial sweetener
when you make your drink. Some people like to add a bit of instant coffee and a bit of powdered coffee creamer for a richer drink.
16 oz powdered milk
1 cup sugar
3/4 cup cocoa
I remember my mom making an instant hot chocolate mix, but her’s also had Nesquick and powdered creamer in it. It used powder sugar so it wouldn’t settle to the bottom. Her recipe made a huge amount and it would take our family of four about 3 years to use it all up. Yes, it stayed good for the four years. We kept it in a very large Tupperware container. It made way too much to keep in a RV.
Powdered milk has been around for a long long time. It is fine for recipes and cooking, but it tastes different from fresh milk.
I do not drink the instant milk out of a glass the way I used to drink fresh milk. But if mixed on the stronger side it is fine on cold and hot cereal and in cold or hot coffee. But do not put instant milk powder directly into hot coffee as it will clump up instead of dissolve.
I don't like the taste, so I only use it to cook with. I lie powdered goat milk to mix up with me cereal it taste a lot better and is more rich in flavor. However it cost a lot more for it than regular powered milk. Pure vanilla extract helps the flavor when making regular powered milk but cost more also. So I make my own and it is shaken every time I move my motor home from one place to the other.
We called it emergency milk! Always kept in the cupboard for snowstorms and the like. It tastes different but I quite like it:) good idea!
Walmart is now stocking “Great Value” label instant whole milk power so I bought a bag. It can be used for cooking and in hot coffee as a natural “creamer”.

Nonfat instant milk clumps up in hot coffee so it needs to be first dissolved in cold water. Fine if you are make ng a cold coffee drink!

Because of the milk fats in the instant whole milk it clumps up when put into cold water and is best dissolved in very warm or hot water. That makes it a great alternative to those non dairy coffee creamers for us nomads who do not care for those products.
Good to hear, I've used Nido Powdered Whole Milk for about 15yrs now. For cooking, creamer; .. and dare I say, I add 1 cup to my bathwater too.

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