Recent content by Boondock Saint

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  1. B

    Any Class C *WITH* ducted heated holding tanks?

    No wonder you have 3,633 posts. Since Feb I changes the criteria and now looking for something only in prime numbers and only in isosceles triangles. Sorry I thought you got the memo. .
  2. B

    First big trip planning and preparedness

    Hi folks, At the end of the month I'm embarking on my first big trek in my rig, some 2700 miles and 41 hours according to google maps. I currently don't have any apps on my phone, or yet own a Garmin. I have a 10" Asus Android tablet I can use for google GPS though, instead of the onboard...
  3. B

    The negativity we are receiving

    When I tell people about the extensive mods to my rig, my plan to dwell and travel in it and combine the concept of work and vacation, people give me fist-bumps. When I say I want to escape living in an apartment community and dealing with the hassles of inner city life, people give me more...
  4. B

    Ohmmu LiFePO4 battery

    THANKS for the Ionic batteries links! .
  5. B

    house battery capacity

    I went through this with my Jeep wrangler. I had two 105AH deep cycle batteries in the back of my rig and wanted to know if I could just charge them from the main vehicle voltage rail and if if that voltage would be too high etc. I called and spoke with an Exide engineer and was told no problem...
  6. B

    Beat mice with a brick

    (NOT Manfred Mann) Blinded by the light victims of a "strober in the night" Blinded by the light within seconds we completely lost our sight Some numchuck slow-day had a little hayday got a box from the amazon the walmart slow start items added to the cart blazin to his house and bakin in the...
  7. B

    Beat mice with a brick

    I just rewatched several seasons of ALONE in my head when I read the title. So let me get this straight. You hate mice so much that you want to convert your vehicle battery 12v to 110v in order to "strobe the mice to death" ? Do you have an aux battery? Novel concept though. Does it work on the...
  8. B

    British Columbia Heading South

    NO ONE LIKES CANUKS, SO STAY HOME ! lol j u s t kidding! I camp in B.C. and Vancouver Island all the time, have friends up there in Mission and Abbotsford, Hatzic etc. You know this location? Hey stop by here in WA and I'll buy you a beer if you give me a big white Maple Leaf shirt I can...
  9. B

    Charge controller question

    Not according to the conversation I had with the Exide engineers about this very thing. I charged 2 deep cylces from the alternator voltage of my Wrangler, worked like a charm.
  10. B

    older woman looking with a nomadic soul

    You can get a taller Sprinter type van and there are tons and tons of mods and places that do van conversion. My advice is to create a folder in your browser and start visiting sites like this one, watch utube videos and when you see something that appeals to you, BOOKMARK IT. Then after a while...
  11. B

    LIFT KIT question...E 150 ford

    You can call Alyssa at and she will give you a straight answer. She's a great gal and knows her stuff, always give me a correct straight answer. Plus I like her chill vibe :D I didn't end up going with Weldtec only for the reason I wanted a higher Ford lift and I'm...
  12. B

    Two-way radio antenna mounting?

    You can run a separate ground wire along with your antenna and have a great ground source to the chassis. Just out both cables in some cheap loom.
  13. B

    Making cables?

    x2 @ 1/2 full of hot solder and hot cable I've done tons of them, you need 1) some heat shrink tubing 2) a basic small torch 3) some pliers or vise grips to hold the lug up vertically 4) a hammer 5) the right solder. Put some heat shrink tube a ways up the sleeve of the cable and expose 1\2"...
  14. B

    Rock solid WiFi configurations, plans and equipment

    After 2 weeks in forums and countless hours in research and phone calls, I think I have the solution I want to try. Essentially it would include Pepwave Max Br1 MK2 CAT-6 LTE-Advanced Mobile Router and some choice of AIO omni directions antenna or individual antennas. This Br1 MK2 and antennas...
  15. B

    Rock solid WiFi configurations, plans and equipment

    SECOND TIME Thx Brian, I've done it every way you can imagine through the years including what you suggest. Right now I'm looking for for a WAN antenna and cell router or combo.