Interesting Articles Relating to EVs

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Happy Camper

Well-known member
Jan 8, 2015
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I'm putting this thread here to consolidate some of the more interesting articles regarding EV tech.
1/2 the Buick dealers are paying GM to not stock or sell EVs.
There are a lot of infrastructure upgrades needed for dealerships regarding EV. The cost is extremely high and at the moment the return on investment isn't nearly what it needs to be.

In the future, sure. But today it's a lot of money to signal you're an EV dealership without much else to show for it.
At the Las Vegas Tech Show recently, Goodyear Tire Companies CEO/President spoke of recent advances in "Smart Tire Technology" He addresses it's role in autonomous vehicles but in time this will likely translate into specially paved roads where tires (to cut down on pollution) may gain an electrical signal for onboard electric motors. Motors perhaps built in wheel hubs. Imagine "electric toll roads" someday in large metro areas used by hybrid cars & trucks such that the tires are the electrical contact for the vehicle. I'm sure it will take some development.

The mention of cars going from being hardware oriented to software oriented is mentioned in the short youtube video in the article. This transition is enabling a lot of tech advances.

Then tires being leased from manufacturers so that they could be reprocessed may end the environmental impact of so many old tires improperly disposed of in the environment.

Goodyear Smart Tires at Las Vegas Tech Show
The electric roads are interesting. But as a "lucky" person directly affected by freeway "upgrades" that include closed ramps and lanes on the freeway and street within 1/4 mile of my place for the last 3 years, with another year planned before it's finished, I'm not excited about the idea of more road work.
It would really be nice if you're posting about stuff that is known by its initials (like EVs), to post the first time by spelling it out.

Example: This post is about Electrical Vehicles (often called EVs).
It would really be nice if you're posting about stuff that is known by its initials (like EVs), to post the first time by spelling it out.

Example: This post is about Electrical Vehicles (often called EVs).
I think that certain initials that are well known to most of the community are totally acceptable. EV only means one thing to me. Now, if you were posting about BLM and meant Bureau of Land Management, I am totally OK with that. But if you mean Black Lives Matter, then you should spell it out. Not because one is more important than the other, only because one was already an accepted abbreviation long before the other.

Of course, doing as BP suggests would remove all uncertainty. :)
Here is an interesting article regarding the engine side of hydrogen cars. They are racing them at the moment.
Hydrogen fuel cell tech is very interesting, but presents a few technological hurdles. Storing hydrogen is very tricky, as it's the smallest molecule in the periodic table and notoriously "slippery" so to speak. Both tanks of pressurized hydrogen gas or refrigerated liquid hydrogen have serious safety issues that, while solvable, are expensive to solve correctly.
Hydrogen fuel cell tech is very interesting, but presents a few technological hurdles. Storing hydrogen is very tricky, as it's the smallest molecule in the periodic table and notoriously "slippery" so to speak. Both tanks of pressurized hydrogen gas or refrigerated liquid hydrogen have serious safety issues that, while solvable, are expensive to solve correctly.
Agreed. Toyota has had the Mirai with hydrogen tank for years. Hopefully that experience can help advance solutions to the problem.
Hydrogen is cleaner than fossil fuel. I like that. But with very rare exceptions we would still be lining up at a pump of some kind and paying a mega-corp to get it. Although EVs still have a way to go, it is conceivable that we could have efficient enough panels and EVs to actually not have to line up to pay the man. Probable not in my lifetime, but I'd sure like to have it happen. It might solve more than one social problem.
Hydrogen is hard to store (higly flamable gas). For small volume, you need high pressures. And because it's atoms are so small, they permeate metal making it brittle.

Much better is to invest in technologies which can produce fuels which is easier to store, like methanol. "The methanol synthesis reaction proceeds via the reverse water−gas shift reaction (RWGS, CO2 + H2 → CO + H2O), which is followed by CO hydrogenation to methanol via HCO (CO + 2H2 → CH3OH)"

Hydrogen as fuel looks like a dead end to me. I am all for lowering the carbon footprint of cars, but hydrogens does nor seems to be the solution.

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