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Well-known member
Dec 9, 2013
Reaction score
Great Falls, MT
a Dickerson,but you can't tell em much.I KNEW this camper is 8 years old.I KNEW the tires were the original tires.I KNEW I should change them before loading heavy and heading out.3,count em,3 blowouts before getting out of Missouri.I think I could work on a NASCAR crew,changing tires.Most folks live and learn.I just live.On the bright side ,I now have 4 new tires,with an E weight class.Life goes on,Life is good.
Shouldn't have wasted the money buying the 4th tire...I mean, it lasted this long when the others didn't, it must be a good one.

Glad there was no damage and nobody was hurt, except maybe your aching back...
Good lesson here , everyone paying attention ?
Believe it or not Bob D was one of the lucky ones , it could have gone bad , really bad , really quick. And he got lucky 3 TIMES !
Did you buy any lottery tickets Bob ?