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Well-known member
Sep 16, 2019
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Okay, that title is a bit strong. I am not and never have been a boondocker. But I will be. I nearly wet my pants the last couple weeks after I found out about this lifestyle, realized there is a community, and all the bells started ringing throughout my heart. 

It will be a year or two before I start, as I am looking after my father in law who is 99, still lives alone, has great health. When his 99 year old body finally throws in the towel I will buy whatever rig makes sense to me at that time and start figuring out this lifestyle. Until then I can explore options, watch YouTubes, and bug you lot on this forum. I will be blessed because I should have enough money to keep my wee rental house and boondock at the same time. 

I am a dual citizen NZ/US and I grew up backpacking (we called it tramping) around NZ in the 60's and 70's and even worked for the forest service there doing wilderness survey work for three summers where we spent 3 months at a time in the wilderness. Those were among the happiest days of my life, and I would like to do some backpacking here in the US but my body is in its 60's and can't run uphill all day the way it did in my teens and 20's. However I feel like boondocking fits the situation perfectly.

I came to the US in 1980, lived in Big Sur for almost 2 years, met my wife, had a daughter, started my own landscape business, wife died in 2012. Don't lose your spouse. Bugger me that is the hardest thing I ever had to deal with. My daughter currently lives in NZ, and the big aha hit when I realized when my fil passes it will be just me and I can do what I want. I could go live in Baja, or the Yucatan, or I could go backpacking and then I discovered boondocking. Bullseye. Search over. Clarity achieved. 

To be clear - I LOVE my work as a landscaper. I am not very good as a businessman, but I could happily work till I fell over dead in a garden. I am semi retired - you hire me you get me. No employees. Bossing sucks from both sides. I already shared this new vision with my major clients and one burst into tears they were so happy for me. Seriously - I have great clients - we are very close friends. I am not boondocking because of my miseries - I am feeling pulled.

Except I am pretty clueless at this point. Not really - those early years we lived off what we could carry. Having a vehicle is already scandalous luxury. But the US is a much bigger country.

I also grew up atheist but took up a meditation practice early this century and have grown tremendously in a spiritual sense. Part of the appeal is I want some alone time. At least until I don't, and then whenever I want it again. I have had some life experiences that I need some time to dig into. The reality of meditation is you travel vertically as opposed to horizontally. You go inward. We all do it, even if you say it is all hooey. That is just your way of doing it. I think it makes you a little more interesting as a person and I suspect there are a lot of interesting people in this community.

And now I have found this forum. I can start my journeying right here getting to know some people, getting feedback and pointers on how to do this thing. And then maybe when I actually get on the road and meet some people we will already have friends in common.

I see the big logo at the top of the page. Thanks Bob - I owe you already.

PS my moniker swlands is from my initials Steve Williams and I make a living as a landscaper.
Welcome, Steve. Yes, the death of a spouse is a huge catalyst; lost mine in 2009 - my condolences.

You'll find so much good advice and so many wonderful people here, that your head will be swimming! I'm starting off on small trips, with an eye towards full-timing in about a year if all goes well.

Sounds like you are rearing to go already!!! Welcome
I am. But I am also patient. What I love is the clarity. It allows me to be fully present with my life now. Finding clarity is not simple, and it can disappear in a split second. We will just have to see, but it is rare in my life that I experience it the way I am now. I am literally reconnecting inside myself with my teenage and early 20 year old. There are too many overlapping and interconnecting parts for this not to be real. And it is new for me. So I am savoring the planning. It is like a kid at Xmas who has a really great gift under the tree. And I don't really care for Xmas - I hate the consumerism.
SheketEchad said:
Welcome, Steve. Yes, the death of a spouse is a huge catalyst; lost mine in 2009 - my condolences.

You'll find so much good advice and so many wonderful people here, that your head will be swimming!  I'm starting off on small trips, with an eye towards full-timing in about a year if all goes well.


I am not planning on full timing. I have a great life already. I have 3 siblings with grandchildren and my own daughter in New Zealand. My plan is to winter over down under - have an endless summer. 

On losing a spouse. I discovered the relationship does not end just because they die. Indeed I felt like I also died at that time and had to start my life over. This boondocking lark feels like the last piece in a puzzle. I was a wilderness guy. My wife liked the opera. I gave up a lot, and would do it again. I am letting go at a very deep level moving towards this lifestyle. I live in a wee cottage I can keep till I drop that has a grocery store across the street, a hospital 10 minute walk away one way, my wife's ashes a 10 minute walk the other way. And it is in the middle of a huge expensive happening city. Except I am not a city guy. I don't eat out or do shows. Pretty boring person in many ways.

I watch the YouTubes and I feel like I know these people - you all feel like my people. I saw Bob has set up some kind of emergency fund(?) with a patreon account and I already set up a wee monthly. That makes nothing but sense to me - a way to get someone a replacement something so they can keep at it. How can I not drop the value of a cup of coffee in there? I see you have a gathering in AZ every winter - one day I may get there. But that is a ways down the road for me at this point. I need to figure out how much rig is right for me and test it the waters first.
Welcome to the CRVL forums Steve! Thanks for sharing your story with us. I think you'll love boondocking. Perhaps you can come to the RTR for a few days in January and meet some of us? :- )

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