Year round in Canada

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Mar 6, 2011
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Hello, been rv living for 15 years now in Canada. Gets a little nippy in the winter months but survivable no problem.
Been Doing this style of living so long now, that I don't know any other way. S

Looking forward to participating in the forums, looks like a great group of members here.
<font face="Courier" size="3">Wow! You've got a few years on most of us. I'll be really interested to see how you cope in the winters. It's coming and I haven't even started to prepare!</font><br>
Welcome, Coal<br><br>Yes, a good group to interact with. <br><br>Bob (aka stude53)<br><br>P.S. - We love pictures.<br>
Well overall, during the 15 years its been good, the economy downturn had a affect, but because of the way that i live, i was able to muddle through.<br>I still work fulltime in my shop, repairing trucks and trailers, alot of welding repairs, its a one man operation whereas up till about a year ago, had a bigger shop with more people.&nbsp; Lack of work and little money out there, made me decide last year to close the shop, take six months off and camp, got back at it Jan 1 2011, tough winter but manageable.&nbsp; I park my fifth wheel at the shop, so always close to work lol.&nbsp; Used to seasonal camp the summers, but with the cost of fuel and seasonal fees, decided this year to just stay put and take out on weekends.<br><br>Pics coming, got lots of them lol<br><br>
Hello Coal,<div>welcome from another Canadian, there are a few of us here. Where do you hail from? I am in the Durham Region, work full time live in my Truck Camper now, have done similar in the past as well, including canvass tents and such.&nbsp;</div><div>~Ed</div>
Milton Ontario just west of Mississauga, Durham eh, what town???????? are you in????<br><br>I had a truck camper till last year, used it mostly for my teenage son, sold it too my buddy and wish I had it still.&nbsp; There's a shot of the truck camper I build onto a Ford, I have a couple of German Shepherds, so they travel in the sleeper.&nbsp; Since sold the truck too and got a regular cab Ford diesel to pull the fiver now.<br><br><br><br>
Hey there, nice chatting on the chat program but it is a little flacky and dies out sometimes.<div><br></div><div>Cheers for now,</div><div>~Ed</div>
<P>Welcome to another Canadian! I'm in Calgary myself. Do you have a blog or the like detailing your adventures? Especially inthe winter months? Would love to see how you do it.</P>
Nice to see a few others from Canada on a vandwellers forum! &nbsp;Ive been reading about this for almost two years and have not come across anyone from here doing it year round.<div><br></div><div>I lived in my van for 2 months last oct/nov and really miss it a lot.</div><div><br></div><div>Im strongly considering doing it again this year and making it a permanent lifestyle. &nbsp;I know of many out of the way camping spots here as well as free campgrounds on and about the island.</div><div><br></div><div>Guess I should add that Im in BC on Vancouver Island.</div><div><br></div><div>The only real problem I have is how to have power and heat during the winters. &nbsp;Cold isnt the biggest issue here, but wet and cloudy are. &nbsp;Would love to run a solar set up to recharge my house batteries, but dont know if they would get enough sun here.</div>
Welcome, Rake<br><br>You Canadians will soon have enough to form a northern chapter of <br>forum-ites. I'll bet there are more that are lurking that haven't surfaced yet.<br><br>I'd suggest you look into having a generator backup to your solar charging system for house batteries, and maybe a small propane heater like Mr Buddy for really cold nights. Just make sure yoiu also have ventilation to keep condensation and errant gasses under control.<br><br>Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it, eh?<br><br>Bob (aka stude53)<br>
Welcome Coal &amp; Rake...<br><br>Rake, There's a ton of solar write-ups on here.&nbsp; I specifically bought the Morningstar sunsaver MPPT solar controller.&nbsp; It's specialized to harness low-light conditions to add extra amps. For example, a few weeks ago, it was very cloudy with a light drizzle all day.&nbsp; I also purchased the remote meter that is REALLY handy.&nbsp; It showed I was still getting 18volts into the battery bank (about 6 amps).&nbsp; Food for thought...<br><br>As Bob said, I also use the Mr. Buddy heater (smaller one), with an adapter hose to my tank.&nbsp; I just lower my drivers window a 1/4 inch (or unzip one of my top windows a little).&nbsp; <br><br>I had a KIPOR 2k generator (honda clone), but it was a POS.&nbsp; I found a new coleman 1750 watt generator for a hundred bucks on craigslist, which I use until I get a Honda. <br><br>AJ<br><br><br><br><br><br>

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