With the depth of my fridge around 24", and it will be wired 24v and 110v, I'm wondering how to manage the wires. Figure it'll need to get plugged in while sitting out of cabinet, so really looking at nearly 36".
It has 24v pigtails, so what do I crimp on for a detachable connection?
I'd rather not have all those wires just getting randomly shoved back by the fridge base, and was thinking of something like a lighter leash that would tension them upward somewhat neatly. I googled "retracting wire mechanism" but didn't see what I had in mind. Any suggestions?
It has 24v pigtails, so what do I crimp on for a detachable connection?
I'd rather not have all those wires just getting randomly shoved back by the fridge base, and was thinking of something like a lighter leash that would tension them upward somewhat neatly. I googled "retracting wire mechanism" but didn't see what I had in mind. Any suggestions?