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Apr 17, 2015
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Hello from Miami Beach - the place where a motel room sized apartment with one window in front and a small one in back goes on average for 1,000.00 per month. When they spray the bushes outside, the tiny critters escape into your apartment through window screens and bite you at night. You hear people above you like elephants walking across your ceiling, and your neighbors on each side like to yell and pump their music up through the paper thin walls any time at night they wish. Don't get me started on the 'amor' sounds later. :p I am a sleep deprived country boy from Decatur, Illinois.

Not considering my back story, I have been here since 2005 and dealt with enough: more materialism and disrespect for fellow human beings than I care (there are good intentioned people here too!), and feel like I am confined in a little box with no way out because the box is sucking out all my finances and life - I want out to explore and to live among nature like I did in the mountains of Tennessee when I was young. I want my sleep too.

Two weeks ago I started getting the idea of becoming a full time Class C RVer as an avenue for escape, but most people in the major RV forums online had their palaces on wheels and talking about huge RV park fees and monthly expenses of at least 3,000.00. I felt I had no avenue until a lurking Canadian private messaged me and opened my mind to van camping and I came across this website and now I feel hope and possibility (blame Canada! - South Park plug here :) ) . I feel if it is in the will of the universe, then it will happen for me - I will not push to make it happen, but I will act on internal feelings of opportunity. Out of the blue last Saturday, I got a crazy idea to try to return the new dress clothes that I bought a year ago just before I was laid off, and miraculously they took them back after such a long time - ching! 230.00. I put another item on ebay on Sunday and it sold by that night - 450.00 there. I do not own much so I cannot sell but two more small things and I am to the bare essentials. Extra dress clothes I am giving to the goodwill where they have a program if you are jobless and need to interview for a job, they will give you free clothes for an interview. So, yeah, with current events it seems perhaps my path is freedom. My lease expires in December, so I will have time to think, plan, and save for a high top extended cargo van. I already have camping stove, O2cool fan, propane, and lantern in a big gray Rubbermaid container due to my hurricane supply stash. And thanks to the unique idea of Sameer, I can also use that container as an indoor shower, if need be.


Bob, I wish to thank you for this website and forum to get all the help and support I need - you have my deepest gratitude and you have turned this spark of hope into a burning fire. I do admit, I have no clue what I will do when I shut my front door forever and hop in the van in December. I think it is great there is so much BLM land in the west to explore and I think the desert can be beautiful, but I have been to Phoenix and also Las Vegas several times and I end up getting nosebleeds after the third day. But someday, perhaps I will brave blood, sweat, and tears to thank you in person. :)

Thanks to everyone - I am glad to be here.
Welcome!!! There's nothing better than the feeling of freedom. One of the most difficult things for me was finding places to get rid of my "stuff". Even goodwill and the humane society won't take non-flatscreen televisions, and some of my other furniture, so I ended up taking so much to the dump. The pawn/consignment stores are super picky too, and I didn't have time to try to sell things privately. Sounds like you are well on your way to discarding all the things that might weigh you down. Keep us posted!
Welcome and I hope your dreams will come to be. Actually, you can make them happen and I'm confident that you will. See you on the road! BTW, you can travel full time in a Class C and don't have to stay in RV parks. There are plenty of alternatives out there, especially here in the west.
Welcome to the forum!

Canadian here... :D so we don't mind the plugs!!

If nosebleeds due to the drier air is the only major thing stopping you from heading westward, there are simple fixes for that.

You might even find that after a few more days your system would adjust on it's own! Don't let a simple thing like that deter you!
Like your post! The multiverse(lol) may guide you a Lil, but it's up to you to be the director of your own life. As to what you will do when the time comes, the possibilities available couldn't all be done in one lifetime. Whatever it is, if you're having fun, it will be worth it IMHO! Best of luck!
Welcome TravelingDruid, we're really glad you're here!

You don't mention work, but if you need work you might want to consider heading up to Kentucky to work for Amazon. They supply you with a free campsite and they pay really well. The work is seasonal from September to December covering the Holiday rush of packages. It's pretty easy to walk away from there with $4000-$6000 cash in your pocket. You can also do it in Dallas.

If worse comes to worse you could keep paying on your lease since you will get free camping anyway. But, if you give back your keys and get a security deposit walk through, I think it's likely the landlord will let you out of the lease if he can get it rented. If not, you really aren't out anything since you had to ay it anyway but at least this way you're building up a big savings.

Once done there come to the RTR in January and find a job as a campground host for the spring. Suddenly, everything will look really great!
Nana4Twins said:
Even goodwill and the humane society won't take non-flatscreen televisions, and some of my other furniture, so I ended up taking so much to the dump.  The pawn/consignment stores are super picky too, and I didn't have time to try to sell things privately.  Sounds like you are well on your way to discarding all the things that might weigh you down.  Keep us posted!

Best Buy recycles old televisions. They will take smaller ones with no fee. The larger one I think cost $5 or $10 dollars, but they give a Gift Card back for the amount.