Where's the thread for Queers, Quiltbag±, Trans, etc.?

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May 11, 2021
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New Mexico
Road's a dangerous place for people outside the heteronormative binary, y'know?
Sick of closets, sick of passing, sick of assaults. Sick of unsupportive concern trolls  who refuse to use search  engines.
I could use some networking with people who don't demand i explain, aplogize for being a real person.
Been looking all over the net for community,but not much luck.
I didn't understand anything you wrote, but this is a welcoming place...
The CRVL community welcomes everyone. There has been a rainbow group at all of the RTRs over the last few years. Hopefully, there will be an RTR in Jan 2022 and you will be able to meet members of the community.
I looked around online a bit, and some sites seemed to come up when I googled "quiltbag discussion boards".

They might be helpful to you.
There are some LGBTQ's members who like to flag their post or threads with the rainbow "post icon".  Located above the "smilies",  above in the text editing section with a dot to check in order to display the icon.  It is an available option that may
provide a solution to your question.
There have been threads on here. One not long ago. There is also discussions in threads including one of my own. There isn't a active gay section.

It can be dangerous ? Yes for many targeted groups and anywhere, not just on the road. You never know who you will come across in life. I suggest that unless it is obvious that you do not disclose that or any other personal information about yourself until you know a person well enough to know that you are safe. Otherwise follow your gut. We are on wheels for many reasons and that's one of them.
There is no separate threads for lgbtq's etc here. We are not into categorizing and labeling people, and you don't have to explain your preferences to anyone. You can state, or not state your gender, it is optional.

We welcome all people who are nomads, want to be nomads, live on the road part time or full time, and we help one another as we can.
If it is important to you that everyone should know your preferred gender choices, use the rainbow icon, but really we don't care, and you are welcome as you are.
You are chatting fine here with us :) :)

I don't know any other nomad groups that are specific life choices etc. Just keep scouring the net and ya might hit something maybe?

But you are working on your camper and truck right to get road worthy soon? You said you want out and away from your current living situation.....how is that going? Any chance to get road worthy sooner than later? just wondering on it.

Nice thing about the road and freedom and your travel is when ya hit onto a bunch of idiots you can fire up the truck and move your home away from them fast :) Stationary living you are kinda stuck there......but being nomadic you can search out new area locations that also are very welcoming!
Sofisintown said:
There is no separate threads for lgbtq's etc here. We are not into categorizing and labeling people, and you don't have to explain your preferences to anyone. You can state, or not state your gender, it is optional.
We welcome all people who are nomads, want to be nomads, live on the road part time or full time, and we help one another as we can.
If it is important to you  that everyone should know your preferred gender choices, use the rainbow icon, but really we don't care, and you are welcome as you are.
There's a women's section, though.
And it's not a "preference," like Doritos over Fritos.
We have serious needs, different from cishet. Many of the replies to my post here are evidence.
My identity is important to me. My experience has been trauatic.
I want community who understands that.
It's not just a label.
I'm disabled. Income < $900/mo.
It's going very slowly.
Figure i've got about a year before landlord sells this.
I can't afford rent.
This is $100/mo.
I keep an eye on pace while LL is at work.
It's on a remote cattle range. LL is afraid of robbery.
It's not about freedom. 7 mi. Per gallon?
NM is cheap for disabled, elder residents on state land.
jimindenver said:
It can be dangerous ? Yes for many targeted groups and anywhere, not just on the road. You never know who you will come across in life. I suggest that unless it is obvious that you do not disclose that or any other personal information about yourself until you know a person well enough to know that you are safe. Otherwise follow your gut. We are on wheels for many reasons and that's one of them.
Yeah, my Gaydar pinged, first time i saw you on youtube.
I subbed u, btw. Not cuz of that, but cuz your channel is very useful to me.There have been threads on here. One not long ago. There is also discussions in threads including one of my own. There isn't a active gay section.
Please when replying to a quote move the cursor outside the quote box before you type your reply. It's very confusing if you don't. I already sent you a PM. Highdesertranger
rriverstone said:
I'm disabled. Income < $900/mo.
It's going very slowly.
Figure i've got about a year before landlord sells this.
I can't afford rent.
This is $100/mo.
I keep an eye on pace while LL is at work.
It's on a remote cattle range. LL is afraid of robbery.
It's not about freedom. 7 mi. Per gallon?
NM is cheap for disabled, elder residents on state land.
I think you people are ok :)   LL is working and helps and you are focusing on 'getting the hell out of dodge' and putting yourselves out there on the road......and as much as the road can be scary there are countless times the road is healing and changing and accepting and drawing and PEACEFUL if you do gravitate toward the peaceful you want ya know....in that one who doesn't want 'rv campground tourist areas in populated areas' to choosing actually what you require....it is out there!!!   But put that faith to get 'the home' on the road is key to anything moving forward SO focus on that....if ya want out then make it all about getting out :)    You might wanna check into HOWA and how they could help?  There is people who care for  nomads etc so maybe a check there would give some further insight you can use :)
Like every other place in this world, there are people who accept your life and personal situations and then there are those who use filters. 

In YARC CAMP we only care about how you treat others. That is the true measure of a person. 

Gay, straight, trans, even lawyers. Dog people, cat people, ect~~. We don’t care about labels. Funny names, now that is a different story.
People here will be welcoming and will try to understand. That's all you can ask. If you are the kind who flips out if someone doesn't have a PhD in gender studies to understand everything you are saying, you are going to be disappointed. I, for one, didn't understand anything you wrote in your first post in this thread, but I welcome you and will try to understand. That's all you can ask of me. I'm 41 (and I am considered young on this forum), and I am not going to change everything about the way I speak or understand the world. But I will be welcoming and try to understand and respect where you are coming from.
Cammalu said:
So, since I’m a quilter, I looked up Quiltbag and found some really cute ones.

lol...how about one with a nice Arizona sunset over the mountains?


Might make a nice pouch for the pooch....

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