What is your favorite pancake / crepe?

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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2012
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Virtually all cultures have some kind of egg / flour pancake type of thing.&nbsp; They might be thin like crepes or have potatoes in them (like the Germans use)...&nbsp; We're used to seeing fruit or nuts in pancakes, but veggies, cheese, even fish or other meats are used.&nbsp;<br /><br /><div style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: medium;"><em><strong>What is your favorite kind of pancake?</strong></em></span></div><br /><div style="text-align: center;"><img src="http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-T77iPhDmJRg/UGPBX6fg-nI/AAAAAAAAC3U/IKkDNDAJzSo/s320/Veggie+Pancake.jpg" alt="" /><br /><br />Zucchini / Carrot / Green Onion / Shrimp Pancake</div><br /><br />I had given up on pancakes as a high calorie, non diabetic food but that was wrong.&nbsp; I made one today with grated carrots, onions, zucchini, and some shrimp.&nbsp; It rocked.&nbsp; The intention was to use a little soy sauce but I couldn't find any and used a dash of hot sauce.<br /><br />"Complete" pancake mix comes in convenient sizes of packaging, it's scalable, doesn't need refrigeration, and you can bind together lots of different things into one easy to cook /&nbsp;eat form.&nbsp; I'm already thinking flapjacks are going to be used a lot for camping and vandwelling.&nbsp; No need to carry bread or tortillas that way.&nbsp; <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /><br /><br />V.T.<br /><br />
No contest - chocolate chip.&nbsp; Unless it's chocolate chunk.<br /><br />
You can never beat the taste of <em>free</em>.<br /><br />
ROFL!&nbsp; Now and then I get free tickets to a breakfast... Then I roll up a sausage link in the pancake (like a burrito)...&nbsp; MMMMM... Yep, the free ones taste best!
<br />Grind my own buckwheat groats in the blender, and then mix em up with the usual buttermilk, egg, etc, and then cook em all flap jack style. I can only eat one, so the rest I let cool and then wrap each one separately and put them in a freezer bag and freeze them. That way I can take out one at a time when I'm in the mood for super food, (rhyming). And no waste of a bunch of expensive buckwheat batter. A sausage link would feel right at home in one of these babies. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /><br /><br />Scarlett
I also lean toward the old fashioned buttermilk/blueberry.
I love blueberry, or blackberry!&nbsp; But only if there are lots of berries and they are fresh...<br />Also oatcakes.<br />Also johnnycakes.<br />can you tell I'm hungry?<br /><br />Scarlett,<br />Wadda you doin' grinding up them buckwheat goats?&nbsp; Is that nice?&nbsp; those poor things.&nbsp; And how do you blend a goat, anyway!&nbsp; Must be a Vitamix...<br /><img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />
My ALL time favorite is a Thick Buttermilk with butter &amp;&nbsp;syrup and 3 eggs sunnyside up on top, YUM YUM it was this mornin. Was camped 1/4 mile up the road from the Breakfast Buffet last night.
Thank for the idea's&nbsp;VT. I had never thought of adding anything but&nbsp;berries or&nbsp;chocolate&nbsp;chips, then smothering with butter and&nbsp;syrup. Will&nbsp;definitely give this a shot!
Pancakes are a tuffy on the road for me, but recently I had an inspiration from the recent jewish holiday....for latkes! I had purchased a tub of premade mash taters cause i was having a craving! lol, and had over a cup left, I added 1 cup of instant buttermilk hungry jack mix, evaporated milk, onion power, and dried parley flakes, and to be fancy an unmeasured amount of&nbsp;Himalayan&nbsp;pink salt. all mixed in a zip lock baggie (gallon size, over kill but it was what I had), here's the biggest hurdle a very hot pan! I have a "firebox"&nbsp;<a href="http://article.wn.com/view/2012/07/18/Review_Firebox_folding_camp_stove/">http://article.wn.com/view/2012/07/18/Review_Firebox_folding_camp_stove/</a>&nbsp;camp stove, it work great, while you can scavange for fuel, I used charcoal brickettes, 8+ little brickettes make a heck of a fire. and last pretty long. I also have 1 14" cast iron pan, there is nothing like a pan like this for certain foods. I had real butter for this but I usually have clarified butter for long term usage. I set the pan on the firebox, my tester for a super hot pan is the water test, dipping my fingers in water and a quick finger splash in the pan, if the water droplets dance, it's time, I add the butter and snip the corner of the bagggie and wella! pancakes! flip when brown, and repeat! They where delish! some ketchup, (fresh fried onions on top, would have been super amazing!) but alas, I was very satified with the results.... afterwards, I grilled up some&nbsp;scavenged roadside apples (sliced of course), added butter, brown sugar, and ate them for dessert! excellent day of food.<br /><br />edited because I had forgotten a few parts to the story!
I started buying the Bisquick Instant in the yellow plastic jug. Add water,shake,and pour in skillet.
<span style="font-family: comic sans ms,sans-serif;"><br />For classic pancakes, (old school), my fav is Stone ground buckwheat, ( I grind in my Osterizer), buttermilk flapjacks fried on a hot cast iron griddle. I may have to leave all that behind if I opt for van dwelling. Sob, everything has it's price I suppose. Or at least compromise. I can't see hauling 50 lbs of cast iron cooking utensils or a space hog Osterizer, even if I had a Class A and the money to buy gas for the sucker. <br /><br />I'm getting hungry now</span> and feel a pancake coming on, <img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" /><br /><br />Scarlett
Does anyone else like whole wheat pancakes with a dollop of vanilla or plain yogurt and real maple syrup?<br /><br />I am now carrying a plastic container with my favorite blend of flour...unbleached white 50% and whole wheat pastry flour 50%.<br /><br />I have found that if you use the ratio of 1 tsp baking powder to 1 cup flour, you can adjust to anything from bannock to thin eggy pancakes or crepe....all with the addition or leaving out, oil, eggs, milk (as I have said elsewhere I carry "Better than Milk" soy powder base)&nbsp; as well as any size batch.<br /><br />This is versatile enough for me with good nutrition and ease of use....as I learned from Bob W. ziploc bags make a great mixing vessel you can throw out once used....less clean up.<br /><br />I am dealing with very small space and one burner stove, only a couple of utensils. Things that work at home or in an RV won't work for me. I need simple, ease of clean up and minimal ingrediants, etc.<br />Bri