What do you stock up on...

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Well-known member
Jun 20, 2014
Reaction score
... when space is limited??

In my cost cutting ways, I do the usual stuff of stocking up on sale items or buying in bulk to save on grocery costs. But, since space is a prime, what are the things that you guys stock up on to keep in your rigs that make it worthwhile?
Diet cola. Specifically, Diet Rite Pure Zero. My biggest vice.
My morning drink is a coffee-latte-protein concoction. So, when on the road, I stock up on instant/dry milk, ON Vanilla Whey Protein powder, and Starbucks VIA. If I've dehydrated any veggies, I'll take all that I have for soups and stews. Also, instant rice and freeze dried refried beans. I use to take lots of oatmeal until I found that my skin doesn't do well when having a lot of it. And dried fruits like raisins, cranberries, prunes, cherries, etc. are stocked up on. Also, I stock up on tuna, salmon and meat pouches. Low-sodium triscuit crackers are hard to find, so; if on sale I'll get several boxes. Vinegar on sale is snatched up as I use it for so many purposes. Although not a food item, I'll get super-size containers of hand sanitizer when a good buy, also multi-purpose.

If I had a freezer, I'd probably stock up on clearance meats and chop up discounted veggies to freeze as well. We'll see, as I'll probably have a freezer this coming winter.

I always have canned green beans, tuna and applesauce on hand for those times I've run out of fresh food and don't feel like moving.
Refried beans and Zevia Soda. And of course water, because you can never get enough of that!
Coffee (with chicory), rice, dried beans, tuna, vienna sausage, and Spam.

Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam. Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam. Spam, Spam, Spam - Wonderful spam!

And potted meat - preferably potted spam:

At least another 6-8 cans - if ya got any extry'.

I stock up on money, big piles of it. :) jk I only buy extra of things that I eat regularly. So, instant oatmeal, trail mix, bottled water, cheese and crackers, canned soups, canned beans, instant potatoes, shells and cheddar, granola bars, black licorice. I like fresh fruits and veggies but only buy as needed. They don't last well in a hot van. PS I could almost live on good jerky except for the price.
I always make sure I have enough toilet paper, plastic garbage bags, wet wipes, water.

Also, cash...piles of it. Okay, minus the last item.
I can handle running out of a lot of things but TP is not one of them.

I keep the basics on hand like flour, sugar, oatmeal, dry milk powder (keeps much longer than regular milk and many of my recipes have been rewritten to use powdered milk plus addtional required liquid), spices, baking powder, baking soda, real vanilla extract, cocoa powder, et al.

I do have a good sized freezer (12 cf) that we keep pretty much filled except when it needs to be defrosed (at that point we eat it down to almost empty). meats, butter, cheeses, orange juice, flour tortilla shells (good for anything that calls for a crepe type wrapper).

I look at the recipes I use, then I use those as a guideline on what I keep stocked in my pantry. I like to keep a couple cans of fruit to make deserts with too.

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